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Sounds like the Jackets are willing to retain some salary. His cap hit is $4.75M for another three seasons (he'll be 37/38 years old when it expires). That's the major reason I didn't like the contract the moment he signed it! Too much for too long. 


But, at $3M, it's a lot more attractive, isn't it? I wonder what it would take to get Hartnell back here at a reduced cap hit?


He'd give us 40ish points guaranteed for the next season or two, then who knows in season 3.


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I just don't think there's money for it. You'd need to offload Read, Streit, or Macdonald somewhere, and I don't see that happening during the offseason.

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What FC said and they would have to move some contracts to make it happen.


Plus the biggest one he wouldn't fit in Hak defensive system.


It is how he got in Berube's doghouse that playoff series versus the Rags....he was always late getting back or not hustling back to do so.


Too many penalties and just not enough commitment to playing in his own zone to fit.


So no. I liked him but it would be a square peg in around hole. Hak would be pissed and have him in the pressbox and the Flyers have been down that road. They got rid of Vinny and RJ and it's time to move on.

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Love Scotty and the team definitely took a hit in the locker room when he was traded. That being said, I don't think there is a place on the team any longer. Hextall turned the page on him a couple of years ago so I would be shocked if they would consider bringing him back.


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I wasn't really sorry to see him go, and I don't want him back.   It seems like he's a terrific guy and I didn't hate him or anything, but by the time he left he was driving me nuts. 


And players very rarely are as good when they return and he wasn't all that great when he left. 


So, thanks for the memories Scott, and I'll really miss you in the Pitt rivalry, but no thanks. 

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If it was a one year deal, for this coming season, I would welcome him back with open arms...but 3 years....and his skating is already suspect....big giant PASS.

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5 hours ago, ruxpin said:

I wasn't really sorry to see him go, and I don't want him back.   It seems like he's a terrific guy and I didn't hate him or anything, but by the time he left he was driving me nuts. 


And players very rarely are as good when they return and he wasn't all that great when he left. 


So, thanks for the memories Scott, and I'll really miss you in the Pitt rivalry, but no thanks. 


Let's not forget, from a historical perspective, one of the first moves Hexy made when arriving was to deal Harts, just to escape one year of cap hell ....the one less year that Ummby had on his deal was the turning point. I highly doubt that getting rid of Harts, at the expense of bringing R.J back into the fold was a sacrafice made for nothing. After all, R.J was so very bad, he was eventually bought out....I'm betting Hexy, and many other Flyer faithful want this sad part of our history in the back mirror and certainly not revisit it.

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Maybe w should try and sign RJ to.a cheap contract...   with his PP and PK skills he could score 20 w G and Jake



In all seriousness I love Hartnell but as previously stated that ship has sailed..


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7 hours ago, jammer2 said:


Let's not forget, from a historical perspective, one of the first moves Hexy made when arriving was to deal Harts, just to escape one year of cap hell ....the one less year that Ummby had on his deal was the turning point. I highly doubt that getting rid of Harts, at the expense of bringing R.J back into the fold was a sacrafice made for nothing. After all, R.J was so very bad, he was eventually bought out....I'm betting Hexy, and many other Flyer faithful want this sad part of our history in the back mirror and certainly not revisit it.


Hartnell actually has 2 more years on his deal than RJ...3 if you count the buyout. But there's no way hextall is bringing him back. He'd look like an idiot. 

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Well, I guess the people have spoken lol. 


I don't know - when I first read that on another site, I immediately thought no. But then the longer I thought about having a 40+ point guy for, say $3M, it sounded better.


In the end, though, 3 years is too long. 

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Only if they take MacDud going the other way....then I would welcome him with open arms. I too was a Hartnell fan but he was traded due to the length of his contract(and rightly so).

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On July 4, 2016 at 1:11 PM, brelic said:

Sounds like the Jackets are willing to retain some salary. His cap hit is $4.75M for another three seasons (he'll be 37/38 years old when it expires). That's the major reason I didn't like the contract the moment he signed it! Too much for too long. 


But, at $3M, it's a lot more attractive, isn't it? I wonder what it would take to get Hartnell back here at a reduced cap hit?


He'd give us 40ish points guaranteed for the next season or two, then who knows in season 3.




Let it go lad. Let it go. 


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On July 4, 2016 at 11:10 PM, jammer2 said:


Let's not forget, from a historical perspective, one of the first moves Hexy made when arriving was to deal Harts, just to escape one year of cap hell ....the one less year that Ummby had on his deal was the turning point. I highly doubt that getting rid of Harts, at the expense of bringing R.J back into the fold was a sacrafice made for nothing. After all, R.J was so very bad, he was eventually bought out....I'm betting Hexy, and many other Flyer faithful want this sad part of our history in the back mirror and certainly not revisit it.


2 years.  Which Hextall just turned into three by buying Umberger out. 


But yeah... Total agreement.  Harts was great.  Not what the team needs in a cap sense or a on ice sense. 


Only scenario rio in which I'd think about it is if the Jacks buy HIM out and we can sign him for a million or less. 

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On July 5, 2016 at 6:40 AM, flyercanuck said:


Hartnell actually has 2 more years on his deal than RJ...3 if you count the buyout. But there's no way hextall is bringing him back. He'd look like an idiot. 


Besides looking like an idiot, I think he genuinely wouldn't want to. 

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4 hours ago, King Knut said:


2 years.  Which Hextall just turned into three by buying Umberger out. 


But yeah... Total agreement.  Harts was great.  Not what the team needs in a cap sense or a on ice sense. 


Only scenario rio in which I'd think about it is if the Jacks buy HIM out and we can sign him for a million or less. 


Looking back in retrospect, I'd be willing to bet that buying R.J out was in the plan all along....he would have had to score 20 some odd goals from a checking line to avoid that fate. So, Hexy's long term plan involved a 3 year escape from cap hell....very smooth, and well worth the additional zing that Harts would have added to our line up.

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I'm actually with Brelic. I've been preaching the rebuild since the Bryz buy outs and cursed the Vinny Lecavailer signing.  Bring back Hartnell is a slap in the face to all that I know.  However Hartnell was one of my all time favs and if the salary could have worked I would have been game.  It may have not be right for the team but he feels right to me as a fan.  I still remember the "Hulk Hogan" pose..all time classic.  Even more was Hartnell passing on his condolences when Cy Clark passed away.  Is there an advance stat for that?

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9 hours ago, jammer2 said:


Looking back in retrospect, I'd be willing to bet that buying R.J out was in the plan all along....he would have had to score 20 some odd goals from a checking line to avoid that fate. So, Hexy's long term plan involved a 3 year escape from cap hell....very smooth, and well worth the additional zing that Harts would have added to our line up.


Yeah. Always knew Hextall was a smart player, even if impulsive. Never really figured he was this calculating until he made this deal.  Because yes.  I don't think anyone including Hexy thought Umberger would be nearly as good as Hartnell for the team overall (though I'll grant, defensively he was probably an improvement).


You don't make that trade unless your primary mission is to sort out the cap space disaster that your new boss saddled you with with his stupid mistakes. 


We may miss Hartnell and may be DONE with Umberger, but because of the deal, Hexy could be more confident with his long term deals for the likes of Jake and Coots and (hopefully any minute now) Schenn. Hextall didn't look at the team and say, "well what do we need?"   He looked at the team and said, "what will we need in four or five years and what do I have to do to make sure we can get there?"




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