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Gudas as Liability


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I am wondering if Gudas is proving to be a liability. His penalties tonight were dumb and dirty.  You'd hope he learned something from last season. The guy needs his head examined or a Moonie retrofit. Provorov looks poised and handles things like a veteran.  Gudas.....not so sure.



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Hit looks pretty routine to me; I'm not even sure it deserved a boarding call. I don't see Gudas use his elbow - the overhead view shows his elbow tucked in. 


Supplementary discipline could go either way - who knows how those guys decide anything. If it was my call I'd let it be.


Rule 45. Board Checking and Checking from Behind


[edit: sorry Howie didn't mean to disregard your thought - I agree with you Gudas is a liability. He's also a pretty good defender who hits like a freight train. He'll cost us some time shorthanded but so far I think he's worth playing.]


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Everyone knows Gudas plays on the edge. Everyone.


This particular hit looks to me like the elbow is down, but the shoulder DOES make secondary contact with the head.

I STILL don't think Gudas is a "dirty" player per se....but he definitely intends on finishing his checks, no doubt about that.


Look, not gonna make excuses for the guy. I KNOW he plays a smash mouth game, take it or leave it. I've also said that he does need to learn the fine art of "the let up"...but if he DOES become a liability for the Flyers, I think it would mostly be in the form of the fact that now, players, coaches, AND the officials are gonna start LOOKING for anything he does to find fault with it.


If I am Hakstol, or one of the other player team leaders, I take Gudas aside and let him know that in NO way would we want him to not play the way he plays...but in some instances, to just see fit to let up on occasion...if only because now officials will be looking for the tiniest of faults in all his hits.


Honestly, Radko Gudas has come a very long way from the bowling ball maniac he was in the AHL and when the TB Lightning first called him up....and I think any organization that will retain his services, Philly included, understands that you simply DON'T want this guy to nerf his playstyle....but perhaps just alter it in such a way so as to "not hurt the receiving player's feelings"...if ya get my drift.


Another thing to consider:

Gudas was always considered to have an underrated amount of physical strength and he packs quite a bit of solid muscle in his relatively compact 5'11 or so frame.

Point being, some of his "medium" hits, due to the strength and weight packed in his frame, just seem more hard hitting than a lightweight guy following through with more speed.


Again, not making excuses for him, and he does need to evolve his play just a bit more so as to not hurt his team with penalties as often, but with Gudas, you DO take the good with the bad.

Until he commits some rat-bag type play of Matt Cooke or Raffi Torress caliber, I still won't call him a dirty player.....just basically a bull in a china shop most of the time.


But if you are gonna have the likes of Radko Gudas on your team, you do NOT want him competing for the Lady Byng.


My 39 cents.

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I guess I was looking at the 2nd video with the call of the elbow.  It does look more like a driving shoulder.  Looking at the video in slo-mo the hit looks a bit late too.



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Just now, hf101 said:

I guess I was looking at the 2nd video with the call of the elbow.  It does look more like a driving shoulder.  Looking at the video in slo-mo the hit looks a bit late too.




Late for sure...that's where he simply has to use his noggin and just let up.

But to me, its a shoulder hit.


Thing is, you see late hits all the time in the NHL, especially on players who just got rid of the puck.

Unfortunately for the Flyers though, unless Gudas smartens up a bit more (he can, he does have that understanding...he has proven it in the past), he will constantly be under the microscope where some other player may get away with "finishing his check" even if the puck was long gone.

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I agree with TFG that he shouldn't neuter his game. But he will bring greater scrutiny. I also worry about suspensions and what they do with the lineup.  The NHL Network commentators felt the hit was late too. That is unavoidable at times...but with him, it is the will to stupidity.


BTW, I think the guys played a solid game. And if Read were a bit faster, I suspect he would have made a tee shot against Rask with the net wide open just before the breakaway.  The team is playing well heading into the real deal.  More reason to avoid one player's distracting dumbness.  And Canoli--you'd have to say a lot more to be disrespectful.....and I've already had some merlot, so don't worry!

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It's a little late. It looks like shoulder to me.  But it looks dangerously close to leaving his feet, like launching into him. 


I don't know. It seems like we're having this discussion about a Gudas hit almost every other game.  And that's probably not a good thing. 

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8 hours ago, ruxpin said:

It's a little late. It looks like shoulder to me.  But it looks dangerously close to leaving his feet, like launching into him. 


I don't know. It seems like we're having this discussion about a Gudas hit almost every other game.  And that's probably not a good thing. 


I said this a few days ago.... We will be talking about his questionable hits at least another handful of time this season.

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I was at the game last night as a buddy of mine has season tickets and knows I'm a flyers fan! I was SO pumped to get a peek at Konecy and Provorov. Both are pretty impressive, especially when you consider their age! Koency had a couple good scoring chances in the 1st and striped Krejcie (or however you spell it) like twice, and Provorv seemed pretty calm and cool with the puck and never got caught back....


I was scratching my head on the Gudas hit at the game but now that I see the replays  "guess" I can see why, but at the same time Gudas finishes his checks. period. saw him do it about 4-5 other times last night.. I like the fact that we have at least ONE defensman who makes the other team "nervous" when he;s on the ice.... That is a good thing in my opinion. I want opponents making "quick decisions" with the puck when they see Gudas closing in on them. He just has to learn when to finish and when to let up....easier said than down from the couch...watching replays in slow-mo.


I would be VERY surprised if that hit gets a suspension.....

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Report: NHL reviewing ‘shoulder to the head’ Gudas hit on Bruins’ Czarnik



“I just looked at [the hit]. There’s no update on [Czarnik]. We saw the shoulder to the head. Somehow he seems to have a knack of getting himself in trouble every game. I didn’t like the hit personally,” said Bruins coach Claude Julien, as per CSNNE.com.

“I thought it was a little bit late, and a shoulder to the head. It’s disappointing. Here’s a young player [in Czarnik] having a good camp and really playing well, and then he ends up with a hit like that in the last few minutes.”

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Seems to me the puck is there < a second before Gudas makes contact. I sure hope they don't call that hit "late."


But in general:

1 hour ago, flyercanuck said:

he needs to pick his spots better and reel it in a bit.



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4 minutes ago, canoli said:

Seems to me the puck is there < a second before Gudas makes contact. I sure hope they don't call that hit "late."


But in general:




It's not brutal by any means...but that's two questionable hits in two games. 

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No I know. I think he deserves a little leeway on this hit but I agree with you he can't be throwing borderline hits every game. If he does I expect his minutes will be quickly cut down to zero; Hakstol seems to have little patience for poor execution.

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1 hour ago, brelic said:

Does a hearing guarantee a suspension? His hearing is on Monday. 


I think it's the only thing that is maybe going to change the way he takes every liberty to lay these hits...he can't keep making all these borderline hits...

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24 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


I think it's the only thing that is maybe going to change the way he takes every liberty to lay these hits...he can't keep making all these borderline hits...




So we're down our top pairing, top winger, Laughton, and Manning.


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5 minutes ago, hf101 said:

Gudas's last suspension was 3 games, was asked to have an in-person hearing.  


Bank on at least 5 games, if not 6.





Well maybe he'll learn. Nothing wrong with being physical but there are rules and he has to obey them. All i ask is the NHL do the same to protect Flyer players!

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