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torts interview with john clark - ....honestly?


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almost has me thinking about paying attention.  he basically says they are looking at a take-the-ring-to-mordor situation, but is in to try.  with some kind of on-the-nose commentary.


points to torts for at least laying it out.  a good sign, from my uneducated situation.  has my interest, even.


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8 hours ago, aziz said:

they are looking at a take-the-ring-to-mordor situation


Hey if you don't mind can you explain that to us (mostly me) dumb dumbs who don't do the Lord of the Rings to understand the reference.



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a "really exceptionally difficult journey, verging on impossible" kind of thing.


sports is about entertainment, and following a winning team is the ideal, but I wonder if I might be entertained following a team of young jobbers right up against it, trying to pull themselves together.

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37 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:




I will only speak for myself I would prefer to watch a team full of kids with something to prove than a bunch of over paid vets just going through the motion on the ice.


But that's just me.

Not just you. 
Youth working their a@@ off and making mistakes is far better than past stars and think they are stars coasting. 

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I watched the first 10 minutes of this and love everything he said.  Will have to watch the rest later.  He's spot on with everything he's said in what I heard.  I just hope his methods translate into acceptance by the players.

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37 minutes ago, vis said:

I watched the first 10 minutes of this and love everything he said.  Will have to watch the rest later.  He's spot on with everything he's said in what I heard.  I just hope his methods translate into acceptance by the players.


Not to mention the C-Suite.


"We're not even close to having the foundation built" isn't the mantra this organization* has been following for 10 years.


I am more than willing to give Tortellini the space to make this work.


We'll see...

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1 hour ago, OccamsRazor said:




I will only speak for myself I would prefer to watch a team full of kids with something to prove than a bunch of over paid vets just going through the motion on the ice.


But that's just me.


You're not wrong.

I didn't realize it at the time, but when the Bolts were really horribad in the late 90's into the early 2000's, that's exactly what was there: a bunch of paycheck grabbing vets.
It wasn't until the org completely turned it over to the young guys (still losing) and ownership changed hands (thank you Jeff Vinik!) that things got better.

And it certainly was more palatable losing while having guys who could improve or at least, played their arses off trying to be NHL viable as opposed to washed up players  just there for the money.

Lots of examples of 'losing with youth' can be found throughout the recent league history.... losing that eventually turns into a winning program if you have the right people running the show, and the right, motivated players on the ice.
Ottawa is another good example, as they try to get back to where they were as contenders some time ago.....and Colorado is another example, prior to building this current championship team.

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59 minutes ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

Lots of examples of 'losing with youth' can be found throughout the recent league history.... losing that eventually turns into a winning program if you have the right people running the show, and the right, motivated players on the ice.


But that's not how the organization* "has always worked." The organization* doesn't think in 3-5 year increments. They've been thinking "this/next year" for 47 years.


This group sees themselves legitimately "competing for a Stanley Cup" every season. There is no plan to do a long term build, it's what can get me into the playoffs where "anything can happen."


And after 10 years of abject mediocrity, an outside voice comes in and says "there's nothing here."


And the guys who were all "rah rah, we're definitely a playoff team" for the past 10 years are still there.


Unless Fletcher & Co. have had some sort of "Come to Rebuild" moment, they're just as likely to look at $14 million in cap space and sign Toews and Kane "for one more run" - to matching $7M/7Y deals.


As it is, Tortorella is definitely a "Philly" type guy. I think he "gets" it. But the same thing was said about Hextall, who did go the mid-to-long-term "youth rebuild" route and got canned for it.

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27 minutes ago, radoran said:


But that's not how the organization* "has always worked." The organization* doesn't think in 3-5 year increments. They've been thinking "this/next year" for 47 years.


This group sees themselves legitimately "competing for a Stanley Cup" every season. There is no plan to do a long term build, it's what can get me into the playoffs where "anything can happen."


And after 10 years of abject mediocrity, an outside voice comes in and says "there's nothing here."


And the guys who were all "rah rah, we're definitely a playoff team" for the past 10 years are still there.


Unless Fletcher & Co. have had some sort of "Come to Rebuild" moment, they're just as likely to look at $14 million in cap space and sign Toews and Kane "for one more run" - to matching $7M/7Y deals.


As it is, Tortorella is definitely a "Philly" type guy. I think he "gets" it. But the same thing was said about Hextall, who did go the mid-to-long-term "youth rebuild" route and got canned for it.

^^ this x1000


until the FO changes … nothing will ever change 

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"Disappointed in some veterans as far as what they've showed right now" .... "I'm gonna go about it as I see fit to develop a team"


Two quotes! Mic Drop!


Managment GFY and shut up and color!


Love it!



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Have you found anything that you're good at; that you can build on? ...."NO!"


hahahahaha! priceless


I guess we have our answer about who will be captain

Edited by CoachX
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Good to hear an honest assessment, someone in authority willing to say out loud that the Flyers are nowhere near ready to pursue a player like Gaudreau. I wonder what Fletcher thought of that comment lol.


But anyway it sounds like he's the right man for the job. But do the suits agree on what the job is? Without actually saying it Tortorella is describing a rebuild. That is certainly not what Fletcher and what's-his-name were yakking about in their presser back in the spring.

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I think this is a pivotal year for the franchise.  Last year was worse in some regards than 2006-07.  


I agree with others--let the kids try hard.  If they screw up, fine.  They'll learn.  If you recall from the movie "Patton," Rommel and the Afrika Corps kicked our butts at the Kasserine Pass.  We learned, and proceeded to across Africa and kick his butt out.  


But organizational turnarounds don't happen overnight.  I hope Fletcher and others get that.  Torts may be our last chance to dig this franchise out of endless mediocrity.  I hope he's given the chance.  

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33 minutes ago, Howie58 said:

I think this is a pivotal year for the franchise.  Last year was worse in some regards than 2006-07.  


I agree with others--let the kids try hard.  If they screw up, fine.  They'll learn.  If you recall from the movie "Patton," Rommel and the Afrika Corps kicked our butts at the Kasserine Pass.  We learned, and proceeded to across Africa and kick his butt out.  


But organizational turnarounds don't happen overnight.  I hope Fletcher and others get that.  Torts may be our last chance to dig this franchise out of endless mediocrity.  I hope he's given the chance.  

Well done Howie...So what I heard is, Torts should smack the schidt outta any pansy ass cowards who arent up to going into combat..ala G. Patton


JVR goes first, followed by Laughton


Edited by CoachX
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8 hours ago, radoran said:


Not to mention the C-Suite.


"We're not even close to having the foundation built" isn't the mantra this organization* has been following for 10 years.


I am more than willing to give Tortellini the space to make this work.


We'll see...

Yeah, agree re: management.  Let’s see.  Honestly after listening to him, I want Tortorella to be president, GM and coach of this organization.  The best part with him is that there is no BS.  Don’t think this org has been honest with itself since the Legion of Doom was formed (at least since Terry Murray called the team chokers).   

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8 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

I am looking forward to see the first game of the season to see if we do see a change. 


I really have no expectations at this point. 


well you better buy a subscription to ESPN+ then - or find a link somewhere - because like the revolution the Flyers home opener will not be televised.


Am I making too much of it? Seems to me the interest level within the Flyers Org is about like ours...near zero.

A brand new year..."Let's Go Flyers" and all that ... but they can't find a broadcast slot? That's message they're sending to the fans? "Listen to it on the radio - if you still have a radio."

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3 hours ago, GratefulFlyers said:


well you better buy a subscription to ESPN+ then


I actually have the bundle ESPN+ Hulu Disney+ a few weeks ago the wife and 11 year old daughter instructed me to get Disney because they want to see Hocus Pocus 2 so i also wanted it for Star Wars stuff and well the bundle was $14 a month so i went with it.


But ESPN+ games are still on that App to watch there has been trouble finding preseason games on the App ever since i have known about it.


3 hours ago, GratefulFlyers said:

Am I making too much of it?




This use to be my happy time of the year the holidays and good football and hockey to watch to start the season.


We just haven't had good hockey to watch in a while and it is affecting us Flyers we are infighting with each other a lot more it seems because of our misery.


Just seems to be a lot more bickering here and i think it is the direct results of us being so feed up with this BS we have no where to vent expect here and well sometimes that results on us taking it out on each other. Doesn't make it right but just acknowledging where some of it comes from.


Give me a team of guys at least working together and trying towards a one common goal and a inkling of progress and i may be happy a little.


But all the sucking is wearing on us all. I feel Torts is going to push this towards where it needs to go...how long well i can't say.

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1 hour ago, GratefulFlyers said:

I just don't understand a Philly team - even if it is the lowly Flyers - not televising their home opener. But I'm sure they couldn't care less whether I understand or not lol! Fukkem.


Does hulu count?


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Maybe if Hextall stayed as GM and hired Torts to coach, I think they would of both ambushed the reporters at the hallway to the ice surface and give Mike Sielski a beatdown defending their players vehemently and stretch out their arm to hand tag-team each other on the bench, to hammer fist down on a players helmet, who was not putting forth the effort on the ice or grenade[-ing] a puck over the wall in a clear attempt.

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