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Couple of things


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Five on five the Flyers looked pretty good. Not great but it seems like Chief is getting them to play like a team.

Hartnell's days on the top line should be numbered, McGinn can skate and keep up with Voracek and G, those two need a guy that can skate with them. Maybe McGinn isn't a long term answer but the answer needs to have good wheels.

B Schenn is way more dynamic as a centerman, he has always had good chemistry with Simmer...think Vinny will slide to wing?

I'm not completely discouraged by this loss, I saw 2 periods and change , and didn't think the Flyers looked near as bad as they did in Carolina and Montreal. In fact I thought this was a game they could have won.

Another practice for Chief before the Pens come to town... I hope the improvement continues, the Pens are down some guys but still playing pretty good ball.

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If you are not completely discouraged by his loss you simply weren't watching.

They got out-everything-ed

This team needs to be erased from history.

There is no point in playing any more games this year. None. They are incapable of doing anything. It's like none of them have ever played/coached the game before.

There is NO system and they can't execute one anyway because they're all pathetically terrible at the game of hockey.

There need to be COMPLETELY MAJOR CHANGES in the organization and at least half the talent in the ice needs to be utterly replaced.

Giroux must be stripped of his captaincy immediately. And quite frankly I'd see if we could trade him. I'd take him for Weber straight up. I might take him for nurse straight up.

He's playing terrible hockey. Utterly terrible hockey. He's trying to do everything but he seems incapable of doing anything.

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@mojo1917 - best game of the year for the Flyers, imo. They did a lot of good things. The first Vancouver goal was a total fluke. The last maybe a blown coverage on the rebound. It was a tough loss because they played well and really looked like winning this one. If they keep it up, and build on the good stuff the wins will start to come.

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If you are not completely discouraged by his loss you simply weren't watching.

They got out-everything-ed

This team needs to be erased from history.

There is no point in playing any more games this year. None. They are incapable of doing anything. It's like none of them have ever played/coached the game before.

There is NO system and they can't execute one anyway because they're all pathetically terrible at the game of hockey.

There need to be COMPLETELY MAJOR CHANGES in the organization and at least half the talent in the ice needs to be utterly replaced.

Giroux must be stripped of his captaincy immediately. And quite frankly I'd see if we could trade him. I'd take him for Weber straight up. I might take him for nurse straight up.

He's playing terrible hockey. Utterly terrible hockey. He's trying to do everything but he seems incapable of doing anything.

Your welcome to leave anytime...

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@King Knut

Easy there fella.

It's an 82 game season, there is time for improvement, which I am seeing when compared to the lost weekend 10 days ago, they did a decent job staying out of the box, they skated, still have some work to do in their end, but I see them being able to break out vs pressure which wasn't happening a week ago.

I see G's game improving offensively, it looks like he's feeling better and is enjoying having more than just Jake on his line. Jake is looking like he's feeling better too. The captain needs to fing back check , if he buys in the they all do.

I follow the team for enjoyment. If I look for only the negative in them ...then what the hell am I doing for fun?

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I would not fault Mason. They looked at least semi-coherent. But the offense out of the forwards is nonexistent. The D can barely get the puck out of the zone. Is there improvement? Yes. Is it pleasant to watch? No, and in some ways worse than 2006-07--that team was old and/or unexceptional. On paper this should be better.




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Anybody watching this team every game can see they are playing better. More importantly there d zone coverage is much improved with the forwards coming down further and the center is swinging low to out number below the circles. Trade wise I don't really see a need. Mcginn is playing well enough to earn top nine minutes when harts and vinny return. Making forth line talbot, hall, and rinaldo. Good combo. However, schenn is much more at home at the center spot and seems to be finally coming into his own. I think that, and I never even dreamed it, coots can be trade bait. I think we can get something of value with a coots, mezz, Laughton type deal. Or maybe cousins. I don't condone trading youth under any circumstances but we are log jammed at center for a long time. Both cousins and Laughton are not forth line players. So I'm not sure what that group would get in return meaning forward or dman. For once, and I'm trying to pinch myself, goaltending seems fine.

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If you are not completely discouraged by his loss you simply weren't watching.

They got out-everything-ed

This team needs to be erased from history.

There is no point in playing any more games this year. None. They are incapable of doing anything. It's like none of them have ever played/coached the game before.

There is NO system and they can't execute one anyway because they're all pathetically terrible at the game of hockey.

There need to be COMPLETELY MAJOR CHANGES in the organization and at least half the talent in the ice needs to be utterly replaced.

Giroux must be stripped of his captaincy immediately. And quite frankly I'd see if we could trade him. I'd take him for Weber straight up. I might take him for nurse straight up.

He's playing terrible hockey. Utterly terrible hockey. He's trying to do everything but he seems incapable of doing anything.

Not for nothing, but they *have* remade the roster, over and over and over.

They *have* fired coaches.

They *have* fired and replaced the GM.

They *have* given up on youth.

They *have* brought in overpriced vets.

They *have* changed captains 7 times in 7 years.

And you want them to do more of that?

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A) you know I'm not wrong

B) don't encourage me

Seriously though, if you watched that game, tell me how there's hope for this team.

Once again they looked like amateurs in comparison.

That they had a lead at all was a pair of flukes and that it stuck as long as it did was just mason being the only guy on the ice able to muster a pro level effort.

Your welcome to leave anytime...

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It's not a matter of more its a matter of better... Of competency.

Replacing Clarke with homer?

Replacing Laviloette with Berube?

It's not the players. That many young kids can't grow up to want to stink this badly. They need to be friggin coached. They're playing like mighty mites.

It's motivation, planning and execution.

I have no idea why they are this bad. But they are. And they're not getting any better working for these idiots.

Not for nothing, but they *have* remade the roster, over and over and over.

They *have* fired coaches.

They *have* fired and replaced the GM.

They *have* given up on youth.

They *have* brought in overpriced vets.

They *have* changed captains 7 times in 7 years.

And you want them to do more of that?

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If you are not completely discouraged by his loss you simply weren't watching.

They got out-everything-ed

This team needs to be erased from history.

There is no point in playing any more games this year. None. They are incapable of doing anything. It's like none of them have ever played/coached the game before.

There is NO system and they can't execute one anyway because they're all pathetically terrible at the game of hockey.

There need to be COMPLETELY MAJOR CHANGES in the organization and at least half the talent in the ice needs to be utterly replaced.

Giroux must be stripped of his captaincy immediately. And quite frankly I'd see if we could trade him. I'd take him for Weber straight up. I might take him for nurse straight up.

He's playing terrible hockey. Utterly terrible hockey. He's trying to do everything but he seems incapable of doing anything.


my solution is to stop watching.

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I have no idea why they are this bad. But they are. And they're not getting any better working for these idiots.

Occam's razor (not the poster but the axiom) would tell us that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. To me, that would be that they're just not a very good team. There are some decent individual players, but there's really no rhyme or reason on how this roster was assembled.

I watched the game last night, and I've seen a few people mention it this morning: Schenn looks better at center. I agree. Trading Couturier doesn't solve that. Schenn can grow well as 2nd center. Probably not so well as 3rd center for the next 5 years. So, looks like he'll be a winger then.

Gus has looked good. I've seen a few miscues, but for the most part, I like his game. He needs to play, and I'm happy Berube put him in.

@canoli and I went back and forth before the season started about whether or not this team was improved. I felt that, on paper, they were not an improved team. Well, I think that a 1-6 record confirms that for now.

They can turn it around, of course. For our sanity, I hope that they do!! ;)

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Couturier was one of the guys I actually thought was doing some things last night. On and away from the puck.

I refuse to accept that they're just not a good team. I think they're Annette team with gagne helping them along.

Look at the difference las year. Between the first half and second half records. Is it a coincidence that they brought in veteran leadership in gagne in between? I can't believe so.

The problem I see is that max, Claude, Schenn, simmer, they're all trying to fix it by themselves with big plays (or attempts) that fizzle. Meanwhile the mechanics of the team on the whole continue to fall apart.

This team needs a damn coach with a damn system.

Even Torts has the Canucks playing a system. Berube has the flues utterly clueless.

Lavvy did too. I don't know if there's a system intended or if so, what system they're trying to run, but these guys aren't running it.

The papers are saying their best effort was ruined by a momentary breakdown. That's bill. They got near all damn night and it was the lack of a plan that killed them.

They NEED a real coach, not another former player with guys and heart but no talent or brain for the game. Yeah, I'm looking at you homer. You were a bad coach too.

Occam's razor (not the poster but the axiom) would tell us that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. To me, that would be that they're just not a very good team. There are some decent individual players, but there's really no rhyme or reason on how this roster was assembled.

I watched the game last night, and I've seen a few people mention it this morning: Schenn looks better at center. I agree. Trading Couturier doesn't solve that. Schenn can grow well as 2nd center. Probably not so well as 3rd center for the next 5 years. So, looks like he'll be a winger then.

Gus has looked good. I've seen a few miscues, but for the most part, I like his game. He needs to play, and I'm happy Berube put him in.

@canoli and I went back and forth before the season started about whether or not this team was improved. I felt that, on paper, they were not an improved team. Well, I think that a 1-6 record confirms that for now.

They can turn it around, of course. For our sanity, I hope that they do!! ;)

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I, for one, can understand King Knut's anger and frustration.   The "leave anytime" or "stop watching" is a little over the top, unless it was meant simply as concerned mental health / blood pressure advice.   


I do see incremental improvement in that they are starting to play more as a unit, but I really do believe there is a ceiling to that improvement and that ceiling is low.


I'm willing to give it more than a handful of games (what choice do I have?), but really have no faith in Berube.  He could certainly prove me wrong, but I'm skeptical at best.


I agree with Brelic that the roster just doesn't make sense as a group.   I realize the season was pretty much over last year and it was tremendously counter-productive, but they DID play better at the end of last year when they had a bunch of hungry kids playing.   I do see a noticeable difference in energy and style, for example, when Gus and McGinn are in the lineup.   The defense looks better with Gus in the lineup, in particular.


We've already covered in another thread that 5 out 6 of the "top" defensemen have NMC/NTC contracts, so I don't know how this is accomplished but I'd trim the fat if possible and bring Oliver up and just say "screw it" we're rebuilding.   I know Snider says we don't rebuild we reload, but that's primarily because Snider is always loaded.


Schenn is absolutely better as a center--which was the crux of my whining about the VL signing.  I just think you've tremendously lowered Schenn's ceiling playing him out of position.   Maybe he'll learn the position, but he'll never be as good as he could have been at center and he'll only ever be "okay" at wing.  At both center and wing, to be better than average, it takes natural ability.  You can be average with effort, but at some point you either have the natural proclivity/aptitude or you don't.   And the Flyers have never seemed to understand that.   Need a winger?  Ah, screw it, sign a center and stick him over there.


And we wonder why we've scored 10 goals in 7 games.


This team is just put together piss poorly, and the results should be expected.  We can blame Snider for the "win now" model, but you can spend money and shoot to win now and still make appropriate moves to attempt to accomplish that. For example, "we want to win now.  We need a winger.  LET'S THROW MONEY AT A WINGER!"  Not a god damned center and put people out of position.   It's not a problem limited to the VL signing.  It's an ongoing issue.


Fire the GM.  I don't care if it's Hextall or the "Time to make the Donuts" guy.  Let the new GM pick a coach that is in line with whatever his vision is (it can be Berube if he qualifies for that) and then go do it.



This is broken and it cannot be fixed by the guy who broke it.

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What is the deal with Meszaros? He's not hurt and he cannot be any worse than Coburn at this point. The defense is a mess, IMO, and Timmonen needs to watch a few from the press box. 


Giroux will be fine. I like Voracek on his line, but am still questioning McGinn. I would rather see a smoother puck mover that isn't scared of the boards. I have yet to see this player on the roster and definitely do not think it is Simmonds. 


For now:




McGinn-VL-Hartnell (slide to the RW)



Couturier and Meszaros should be able to land a smooth skating LW to move the puck on the Giroux line. I like McGinn, don't get me wrong, but I do not think his  fit is on the top line.


The Vanek rumors don't not bother me, but his desire to go to the Wild does, so I'll leave him off the ?? list.

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The problem I see is that max, Claude, Schenn, simmer, they're all trying to fix it by themselves with big plays (or attempts) that fizzle. Meanwhile the mechanics of the team on the whole continue to fall apart.

Doesn't that support my point that there are some decent individual players on the team, but they don't play as a team?

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What is the deal with Meszaros? He's not hurt and he cannot be any worse than Coburn at this point. The defense is a mess, IMO, and Timmonen needs to watch a few from the press box. 


Giroux will be fine. I like Voracek on his line, but am still questioning McGinn. I would rather see a smoother puck mover that isn't scared of the boards. I have yet to see this player on the roster and definitely do not think it is Simmonds. 


For now:




McGinn-VL-Hartnell (slide to the RW)



Couturier and Meszaros should be able to land a smooth skating LW to move the puck on the Giroux line. I like McGinn, don't get me wrong, but I do not think his  fit is on the top line.


The Vanek rumors don't not bother me, but his desire to go to the Wild does, so I'll leave him off the ?? list.


Metharoos is no worse than Coburn, but the problem is that he's no better.   Po-tay-toe / pattatta  


Wanna play Meth over Coburn, that's fine with me, but it improves nothing.


McGinn.  I actually like him on the top line for now, but if you want to make a move to get a top line left winger I'm okay with that.


The thing is that I honestly can't think of any one more--or even two, really--that makes this team a playoff contender.   So, I'm kind of in "why bother?" mode.

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