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What the Hell just happen?


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I thought Meszaros had a great goal tonight!  Totally faked out the goalie.  First getting knocked on his butt off the puck like he did to create the opportunity, then losing his stick, and then coming back around the net for the redirection off his foot.  Awesome stuff.  Just too bad that it was into his own goal.  Oh well, gotta take whatever you can get.  This Bud's for you, Andrej Meszaros!!  Great job.

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I didn't think your flyers looked all that great either. The penguins were just really rusty tonight. Never seen so many missed passes missed shots and turnovers in one game!

Rusty tonight, ha ha.  Cry baby gets a clear cut break away and is stoned by a back up goalie.  Can't wait till the playoffs to see MAF choke...

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"Never seen so many missed passes missed shots and turnovers in one game!"

Obviously you were not watching any Flyers games this season. We have seen many games with that many missed passes, shots and turnovers. The Pens didn't lose the game because they were rusty. They created a lot of good chances but failed to bury them. Emery played a great game, Flyers D did a decent job keeping the porch clear and the Flyers forced turn overs. Offense was far from dominant, but they did enough to get 2 points. Considering how the Flyers have played most of the season, they looked good to me tonight. Nothing ground breaking, but good enough to knock off the top team in the division.

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I didn't think your flyers looked all that great either. The penguins were just really rusty tonight. Never seen so many missed passes missed shots and turnovers in one game!


Definitely not GREAT, especially in the first period, when the Flyers were severely outplayed and outshot.  The Pens could've buried them in the first and instead the Flyers were up 1-0.  I said in the chat box after the 1st that the score did not reflect the reality.  But I thought in the 2nd and 3rd, the Flyers really tightened up and played a fairly decent team D, which I was very critical of lately.


I don't think the Pens were rusty, to be honest.  I think it was really just one of those nights when the Flyers found the solution and played a very good game, albeit not great, minus the 1st period.  I sure hope this is a sign of a recovery and resurreciton of what has been a dreadful season so far, but they will just need to take one step at a time.

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Accoriding to one of the articles on Philly.com, the Flyers only had one giveaway all night.  That pretty impressive, especially when considering who they were playing.  To attribute the Flyers win solely to the Pens stinking is being really disingenuous.  I thought lastnight was a good game over all.  On the edge of my seat all night.  Pens certainly didn't look overly rusty...maybe a little considering they were not finishing as well as they normally do, but its pretty weak to write that loss off to rust. 

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We also played back to back games, from Ottawa to Pittsburgh people forget that...Pittsburgh rusty right that's ok though...


I like what I saw last night yes I agree the Flyers did not play great they got away with some miss shots by the Pens but Emery was fantastic starting mid way through the first and on.


I noticed the Flyers had there sticks on the ice at all time stripping players, intercepting the puck and deflecting shots with there sticks. Have not seen that from them this year.


I think the most improved Flyer these past few games is Simmonds. He is sitting in front of the net disrupting the goalie, making some nice passes. He looks more uniform out there not all over the place and sloppy like he has been. Been trying to do to much and now it looks like he is settling down. That Schenn, Vinny, Simmonds line is looking pretty good.


I just wish I would see the Flyers start taking some shots when upon entering the zone if the pass isn't there or a decent shot does not present itself just throw it on net low on the pads for a rebound goal. I saw a few times were they could of done that and they look to pass or rip it high...


All in all I am liking what I am seeing, baby steps finish to road trip strong, from what I understand we have trouble with the Jets, will be a good test also.

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@Mad Dog_dog

NBC must've done a good job making it seem like a battle out there. The Pens passed to the Flyers all night, blackened glass to the point of probably needing replaced, and were just outright slow after the first. Dominated the first period but couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with the puck. Yes even Crosby looked slow (for him) and had no creativity. He handed the puck over half a dozen times himself.

I did think Schenn and especially Voracek looked good for you guys, but they were pretty much the only two that stood out on the ice from either team. Emery looked mediocre, with the majority of his saves from shots outside the dots, and a couple good plays on Sid's lackluster "breakaways". The Pens shots mostly went high and wide of some pretty wide open nets. The rest were Kennedy shots, aimed at the bullseye in the middle of Emery's chest.

The best thing I can say is Berube appears to have fixed your boys' conditioning issues. They looked fresher than in a lot of games this year. Did you know that the last three back to back second games you've played us where we've been off the night before have all been won by your squad?

I wish I could tell you hey your boys, Emery, whomever looked great and played a great game. It's easier accepting that as part of hockey than watching my boys suck three games in a row. Just my opinion from where I was sitting.

Edited by Polaris922
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I didn't think your flyers looked all that great either. The penguins were just really rusty tonight. Never seen so many missed passes missed shots and turnovers in one game!


Why were they "rusty"? They were playing at home, against a hated division rival, coming off two consecutive one-goal losses.


It's the 18th game of the season - the "rust" should certainly be coming off (as it appears to be with the Flyers) if it isn't already.


You're not going to get too far whooping up on the Columbuses of the world.


That said, it's pretty amazing that in any other division, the top team in the Metro would break the Top Five in just two other divisions, would be fifth in both and likely not even make the playoffs.

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It was not our best game of the year (the Ottawa game took those honors IMHO) however as some have said the Flyers did play a good dirty grind it out road game.  While the Pens didn't play their best I would like to think that some of the Pens misfires and outside shooting we caused by the Flyers playing a better defensive game than they have in the recent past.  Emery didnt have to be spectacular last night on the whole however he did make key saves at key times including the breakaway save on #87 and the save in the dying seconds of the 2nd period.  If Bryz was in net at least one or both of those go in and we are having a different conversation today.

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Yes even Crosby looked slow (for him) and had no creativity. He handed the puck over half a dozen times himself.



Well, Ok, but whose fault is that?  Wouldn't that, and everything else you are mentioning, indicate the Pens *were* a worse of the two teams?  You are making it sounds like the Flyers won for no merit of their own.  And like Rad said, if your team had some sort of an issue getting up for that game, playing against their arch rival who also happened to play last night, what does that say about the Pens?


Look, I would be the last person you have to convince the Flyers are an issues-free team.  My discontent with how this team has played thus far was well documented on this board.  But I have to admit the last three games, it sure looked like the Flyers start coming to their own.  After the Edmonton and Ottawa games, I wanted to be cautioulsy optimistic saying that the last night game would be a more representaive gauge.  My feeling is the Flyers passed that test.  If I had to grade their performance last night, I woudl say they earned B-.  I liked what I saw last night and I think so should the team.

Edited by Mad Dog
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The Penguins were rusty from Saturday to Wednesday?  It's not as if we're talking about a week or something.  Rusty?


I don't think the Pens played particularly well, but if you can't get up for a rivalry game after only 3 days off and chalk it up to "rust" there is a real problem there.


Something is not clicking for the Pens right now, but I  have a hard time calling it rust.  And against a team that played in Canada the night before and had to go through customs, etc.  Yeah, I do think rust is a really weak excuse.  I'm not buying that one.

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Agree with @Mad Dog.  I too in chat (before I had to leave because of plumbing issues in my house) said the Flyers were lucky to escape the 1st period with a 1-0 lead.  The Pens clearly dominated most of the 1st period.  I think I even said that the Flyers needed to turn it up a notch for the 2nd period because I was sure the Pens were gonna come out firing.  The PP goal that they scored on in the 2nd was a pretty tape to tape pass that beat Emery.  Though far from playing a perfect game, the Flyers defense tightened up enough to keep Crosby (except for his lone goal)  and company off the score board.  Give the Flyers credit, for a team which most of us on here has been highly critical of, they took some very positive steps in last nights game.  Sorry not buying the "rusty excuse".  Having 3 days off is not an eternity.


@Polaris922 ..

Just curious what if the Pens would have been playing the 2nd game of a back to back like the Flyers...would you have used the excuse of playing back to back and the guys were tired? Totally respect you, I just disagree with your assessment on why they lost.  Your boys came out firing in the 1st few minutes of the game.  That did not appear to be rust to me.  I'm just glad the goal was disallowed because I believe that would have given them all the momentum and they could have easily blown the game open then.  I liked your statement in chat last night when I finally came back in ..."they (the Pens) had their chances/opportunities and just did not take advantage of them."  Lets leave it at that.  It was a well played game and for whatever reason, the Flyers seem to play very well in your new barn...go figure. :unsure:  Sadly we have to wait till March till our teams meet again in a home and home series.

Edited by pilldoc
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