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Flyers vs Kings


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Lots of question marks in this one.  Both Quick and Mason have been hot and the Flyers have played well at home.  Carter and Richie are back for the first time together.  Will Sutter put them on the same line?  We all know Richards has struggled this season and he's recently been getting less than 16mn of ice time and playing time on the fourth line as per his demotion.  Granted Richards scored there against the Panthers in their last game.  Richards will probably play in Dustin Browns spot as Brown suffered an UBI in the last game against the Panthers.


Either way I'm looking forward to either Couturier or Raffle facing up with him. 


We have a couple of question marks also as where will McGinn play?  I think Raffle will be double shifted especially in the later stages of the game on both the 3rd and 4th lines. 


Looking forward to this matchup.- Join us for Game Chat!


Flyers 4 Kings 2



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Yeah, me too.


I'm gonna go with 2-0 Flyers. 


So, the first time Richards and Carter are back here together. Do you think they get cheers or jeers?


I think they get beers.


On a serious note, I find it hard to believe that Richards and Carter won't be up for this game. I also find it less likely that the entirety of the Flyers won't be up for the game. I think it'll play similar to the Blues game with the Flyers pulling away at the end. I honestly see the Flyers starting to trend down a bit once they're past the Boston game, but not until then.

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So, the first time Richards and Carter are back here together. Do you think they get cheers or jeers?


Boos all boos. Ha!  I wish I had chosen to get tickets for this game.  The atmosphere at the game has been great as of late - booing opponents (Crosby / Malkin)  etc.  Richie and Carter deserve the same treatment.

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Boos all boos. Ha!  I wish I had chosen to get tickets for this game.  The atmosphere at the game has been great as of late - booing opponents (Crosby / Malkin)  etc.  Richie and Carter deserve the same treatment.


I think there will be some swooning in the pregame skate, but that it will be all business after that.


Did Crater and Richards have their rings sized for their middle fingers? :D

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I wouldn't boo either of them. They were immature, but sure did not want to leave. Richards did seem to be personally better in the anonymity of LA, based on that special I saw (NHL 48 hr maybe?)

They definitely messed up, but weak management enabled it. One of those short shelf life coaches like Torts would have helped them grow up.

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I wouldn't boo either of them. They were immature, but sure did not want to leave. Richards did seem to be personally better in the anonymity of LA, based on that special I saw (NHL 48 hr maybe?)

They definitely messed up, but weak management enabled it. One of those short shelf life coaches like Torts would have helped them grow up.



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I was pissed.....I mean truly PISSED when Richards was traded. Carter...not so much. The return on Richards(Simmonds and Schenn)  and Carter(Vorachek and Couturier) has lessened the blow of the trades immensely. I would still take Richards back in a heart beat but I think I would rather castrate myself without anesthetic  than see Carter ever where the O&B again. His(Carter) nickname should be "TinMan"......NO HEART.

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I would still take Richards back in a heart beat but I think I would rather castrate myself without anesthetic  than see Carter ever where the O&B again.


I like Richards compete. He has been a winner everywhere he has played. Richards is a 5.8m cap hit. Simmonds new contract at 4M. Schenn is still on his entry level deal, but I think you will see him get around 3M for 3 years (leaving him as an RFA at the end). So, for 1.2 M more, I get a Simmonds AND a Schenn. 


Richards role has changed in LA. With that, his production has been on the decline. His and Schenns point totals are nearly identical, while schenn is much more balanced g-a. Then you add in that Ritchie is not getting any younger (29). Schenn is only 22. 


Lastly, You have to add in the G factor. No way does G get to elevate his game if ritchie is still here. 


Oh, and I didn't even say much about the production of Simmonds, or the 2nd round pick that got us grossman. 


I do this trade everyday of the week and twice on sunday. 

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The Kings looked big , tough and clutchy last night.  I think they might be a pretty tough out if they make the playoffs.


With their experience and their goalie, they certainly won't be easy.


Right now they sit eight points up on Phoenix in third in the Pacific. Play Anaheim in the first round. Winner of San Jose/Wild Card in second...

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Heh heh


 I'll take Couturier and Voracek every time over Jeff Carter. That trade was never a loss by the Flyers. He was absolutely terrible for Columbus. People tend to forget they didn't trade him to L.A. So at the time it was a win for Philly. Now it's a steal. 5 years from now it'll be outright highway robbbery.


 And I was never a member of the "I hate Carter club".

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Two swings and a miss. Though I wish you'd have been right!

I think they get beers.

On a serious note, I find it hard to believe that Richards and Carter won't be up for this game. I also find it less likely that the entirety of the Flyers won't be up for the game. I think it'll play similar to the Blues game with the Flyers pulling away at the end. I honestly see the Flyers starting to trend down a bit once they're past the Boston game, but not until then.

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Here we go again.

I see what you're saying, but five years from now the Kings will have at least one Banner hanging from their rafters. Will we?

Columbus is also now in the playoff hunt in the east which is a vast improvement for them though they certainly have the most to complain about. But in the end, jokes on them for trading for a player who just resigned and was told he wasn't going anywhere.

Long term it seems to be working out for everyone, but I seriously don't think you'll hear the Kings complaining about Carter or Richards. If we'd won a cup with Adam Oates, I wouldn't complain about that wasted deal. If we'd won with Bryz I wouldn't complain about that one.

It's all in service to achieving that goal. The Kings achieved it.

Mean time, We can be happy because we can probably assume Richie and Carter wouldn't have put us over the top had they stayed.

I'll take Couturier and Voracek every time over Jeff Carter. That trade was never a loss by the Flyers. He was absolutely terrible for Columbus. People tend to forget they didn't trade him to L.A. So at the time it was a win for Philly. Now it's a steal. 5 years from now it'll be outright highway robbbery.

And I was never a member of the "I hate Carter club".

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I'll take Couturier and Voracek every time over Jeff Carter. That trade was never a loss by the Flyers. He was absolutely terrible for Columbus. People tend to forget they didn't trade him to L.A. So at the time it was a win for Philly. Now it's a steal. 5 years from now it'll be outright highway robbbery.

And I was never a member of the "I hate Carter club".

You read way too much into that picture! Lol.

On a side note, you feel Boston won on the Kessel-Seguin trade offs because they won a Cup, but that the Flyers won out on trading Richards and ultimately Carter even though the Kings did? I get the intermission in LA but still...

Regardless, I think if we revisit that old topic it was a mistake to trade them the year after making the finals or you might have a cup if your own by now. Just my opinion.

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