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Remembering Rick MacLeish

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What a sad day for Flyer fans everywhere.




The Flyers family and the hockey world have lost one its most esteemed members. Flyers Hall of Fame center Rick MacLeish passed away late on May 30 at the age of 66.


Myself i never got to watch him play. Only highlights videos but i know i missed a great one. Flyers the ones who got to see him play please share you stories of seeing him with us all thanks.

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R.I.P. Rick MacLeish. Sad day for the Flyers, and all of hockey.  One of the best, and most clutch players in Flyers history.  Without him and Bernie in the 1974 Cup finals, the Flyers very well might have had to go to a Game 7 in Boston Garden, and then God only knows what would have happened.

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3 hours ago, FD19372 said:

Without him and Bernie in the 1974 Cup finals, the Flyers very well might have had to go to a Game 7 in Boston Garden, and then God only knows what would have happened.


If not for that goal, we might not be here on this forum today. I was playing outside at a neighbor's house when Rick scored on a deflection, you could hear my dad yell "scoooooore!" from inside our house......kid's mom deadpans "well, I guess the Flyers scored"


RIP Rick, another one gone way too soon, thanks for the great memories,


4 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:





I've got that card in a box somewhere still at my parents' house


Saying on the radio that the season he scored 50 goals, he was only the 8th NHL player to hit that mark 


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3 hours ago, FD19372 said:

R.I.P. Rick MacLeish. Sad day for the Flyers, and all of hockey.  One of the best, and most clutch players in Flyers history.  Without him and Bernie in the 1974 Cup finals, the Flyers very well might have had to go to a Game 7 in Boston Garden, and then God only knows what would have happened.

Well said, he was one of the all-time best Flyers. R.I.P. Rick

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People who remember the Flyers in the 70's only want to bash them. #19 was a class act, and could have been a #1 center on any other team in the league. He was so talented he rarely got the recognition he deserved because it always looked like he wasn't trying really hard. Incredible skater for his time, and one of the great wrist shots, EVER! Ask Tretiak! He also had a great hockey brain, always anticipating the play. And an amazing faceoff guy! And fearless, as were all of the Flyers.  I played in his boyhood rink in Cannington many times, a classic old hockey barn where you can feel Ricks presence, and will even more now that he is gone. Rest easy #19, you're a champ. 

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  Shocking news. One of my all time Flyer heroes. Just a very sad day. Great player, great skater, wicked wrist shot...and more importantly, a very classy guy. Literally just saw this on philly.com as I was reading some Eagles stories....sucked the life right outta me. I guess, 66-70 is kind of an average lifespan, especially for a guy who played in the 70's without a helmet....very sad, but we will be seeing this type of thing as our Cup heroes from the 70's reach official senior status.

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I think Jammer nailed it. It is sad.  But it's also a reminder that the Glory Days complement will be passing from the scene.  It makes me wonder about the next group to emulate/remember/embrace...I wonder if that was a different time? Or if the game is more complicated?  Will we remember the next Cup squad the way we remember Rick and his peers?  Hopefully I'll be alive for the next Cup Squad........

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7 hours ago, Howie58 said:

It makes me wonder about the next group to emulate/remember/embrace...I wonder if that was a different time? Or if the game is more complicated?  Will we remember the next Cup squad the way we remember Rick and his peers?  Hopefully I'll be alive for the next Cup Squad........


Hi Howie,

I've pondered this often, and just for me personally, how young I was and the impact that group had on me becoming a hockey fan, no future title could endear a group of players to me like that group did. If the 87 Flyers had completed the miracle then yes (and really just by the run they had they take a place right along side the Bullies for me).


This is not to say I won't cry tears of joy when we finally get a parade, but at my age it's not possible for a team to have the kind of impact it did on a 6 year old budding fan in 1974 (and a 19 year old full blown fanatic in 1987).

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18 hours ago, sarsippius said:


Hi Howie,

I've pondered this often, and just for me personally, how young I was and the impact that group had on me becoming a hockey fan, no future title could endear a group of players to me like that group did. If the 87 Flyers had completed the miracle then yes (and really just by the run they had they take a place right along side the Bullies for me).


This is not to say I won't cry tears of joy when we finally get a parade, but at my age it's not possible for a team to have the kind of impact it did on a 6 year old budding fan in 1974 (and a 19 year old full blown fanatic in 1987).


I will be crying with you.  The Flyers won after being a doormat and gradually showing the hockey snobs that expansion clubs could achieve success.  So...you are right, it will be hard to have the same impact.  At 58, I do begin to worry about living to see another one.



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  • 6 months later...



Something has been amiss the past week or so, finally got a handle on what it was. I realized, this is the first Christmas I will ever celebrate with out Rick MacLeish on the planet. It is a sad thought. A sad year for ex-Flyers, losing the Count also. Ricky was one of my favourite players of all time. For my money, best pure sniper to ever lace the skates for the Flyers.


 Just my theory, but if Rick MacLeish was not injured for the 76 finals against the Habs, the outcome could have been different. After all, you had Leach breaking goal scoring records that year in the playoffs, but imagine if the Habs, who had their best checkers on the LCB line, had to deal with Ricky on the 2nd line. At the time, there was no bigger clutch playoff performer, having lead the entire NHL in scoring for both our Cup wins in 74 and 75. If Ricky was playing and scored anywhere close to the blistering pace he set the 2 previous years, I don't know if the Habs beat us. That loss prevented the Flyers from being one of the all time great dynasties. Could have changed hockey history in my view.

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