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Everything posted by Samifan

  1. Samifan

    Bryz to pens?

    and Bryz thought Philly was a shizz hole, has he spent any time in Pittsburgh?
  2. Samifan

    Bryz to pens?

    Cant imagine a guy like Ray Shero would even entertain the thought of signing Bryz, but I agree it would be pretty damn funny if they did.
  3. I believe Gus is no longer waiver exempt meaning we would risk losing him to another team, which would likely happen. That's why there was so much talk about having to move Coburn. Mez or Grossmann over the Summer.
  4. @ junkie-Living in Western NY, I conceed that the guy is an icon in this area, but I repectfully disagree. He is one of the most annoying in the business, too much over the top screaming.
  5. As an Amerk season ticket holder I got a chance to meet Foligno during several STH events. I found him to be a very kind and humble person who was appreciative of the fan support. I think he has the potential to have a nice NHL career.
  6. Shelley is listed as a key departure because there will be a less experienced player serving beverages and popcorn to Lukko, Homer and Clarke in the pressbox this season.
  7. Who? and Who? VanderVelde made me think of Art Vandelay from Seinfeld.
  8. I agree, the Flyers need to wait and not rush Morin. That being said, patience has never seemed to be in the Flyers/Snider's mission statement when it comes to d-men and GOALTENDING!
  9. instead of making a splash in free agency, Regier obviously spent all of his time this Spring and Summer designing the teams new jersey. Regier: "How many different shades of yellow can I use?"
  10. Could not agree more! Glad G stayed away away from a weekend of drinking and "ball" hockey
  11. @yave-Luke Adam was buried in Rochester because he is SOFT and plays like he is smaller than Nathan Gerbe!
  12. Junkie-I am an Amerks season ticket holder and I agree that Rochester supports the Amerks/Sabres extremely well, almost to a fault. The Frozen Frontier in December should be interesting. Sight lines may not be great but you cant do much in a minor league baseball stadium.
  13. How awesome is it the Leighton found work before Bryz!
  14. I have an interview next week at Walgreen's was my favorite part!
  15. This video summed it up perfectly. A classic!
  16. Blue Jackets hire Jody Shelley as a team ambassador. I must say I was fully expecting Homer and Snider to create some front office position for him becasue he was, "a good lockerroom guy." http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=429466
  17. It would have been better if the movie was made while Carter,Richards and Lupul were still on the team.
  18. I think you can make an arguement that either Mason or Emery could be ranked as high as #23. Seeing Bob ranked at #5 reminds me of what could have been and re-ignites my anger that the Flyers gave up on him too soon. time to go take my anger out on the dog and kids......................
  19. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=428486 One year two-way deal. Guess there wasn't much of a market for a 4ft hockey player.
  20. Looks like he hasn't been to bed yet to me.......
  21. I thought NBCSports stood for Nothing But Crosby Sports network?
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