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Soooo, Ekblad or Reinhart?


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 Most of us aren't too pleased with what's going on in Flyerdom these days. They fired the goalie, AND the coach. Most of us are calling for the gms head (some of us for a lot longer than others). I'm hoping they get rid of him before he makes a dumb trade to try and save his arse (Schenn + Simmonds + Morin + 1st for Chara then sign til 2020 anyone?)


 With the draft IN Philly this year, and the Flyers looking like a surefire lottery team, if we did happen to get the #1 do we take Sam Reinhart (yay, another center) or Aaron Ekblad (big cerebrial defenceman) or someone else?


 Hey, it beats talking about how much we suck...even though that's what we're talking about.

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You can win with a strong D and poor O but you can't really win with a strong O and poor D. Also it's a lot harder to get good D men then it is to find a good forward. So Ekblad without a doubt.


However IMO this is moot as we won't suck quite badly enough to get 1 or 2 overall. We will suck for most of the season and then win the meaningless games leaving us picking 9th or 10th. Oh wait, that's what happened last year too...

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That's why they gotta fire Homer and fast. He's going to try and salvage his job at any cost.


Preaching to the choir on that one man ;)


Equally though, until "Mr Snider" (sorry, can't quite manage Coatsies grovelling tone) is pushing up the daisies the issue will continue, doesn't matter if you change the puppet when the man with his hand up its arse stays the same...

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MacKinnon!!....oh yeah that was last draft. Figures we will get the first pick in a year where there are no super studs available. Or we will lose the draft lottery. So is that the most best kick u when your down....worst in the league and if that is not bad enough, lose again in the draft lottery. Curse of Pelle Lindbergh.

Edited by TimKerrFan12
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The way the Flyers have been playing has not given me much hope in turning this thing around this year and last night against the Pens, it really showed the difference between a quality Pens team and our Flyers, as we were pinned in our own end 5 on 5 many times, but looked like a powerplay for the Pens.


With that being said, the only consolation I can come up with is the possiblity of selecting one of these two players in this years draft.  Personally, I'd take Elblad and start building the team from the back end out, as Mason is proving he is a goalie we can build around, but if we end up dead last and lose the lottery again, Reihart is a pretty darn good consolation prize.


I'm willing to accept this poor season with the hope of drafting Ekblad, and hoping for a second poor season next year, while we play some of our young kids, in an attempt to draft McDavid.


I know its a long shot, but the only glimmer of hope I can pull out of this disaster of a season is that we can draft a couple of *real* stars in the next couple of years and build this team the right way.

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Personally, I'd take Elblad and start building the team from the back end out, as Mason is proving he is a goalie we can build around


Agree completely!


Morin, Hagg, Ekblad hell of a top 3


It's a long wait.... 5 years?  But the wait would be worth it.  Keeping Mason and developing another young goalie as a backup would be the way to go.

Will the Flyers have the patience to do it.  I don't want to answer that.

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Keeping Mason and developing another young goalie as a backup would be the way to go.


I'd be ok with all this but the Flyers have no frigging idea how to develop a goalie....just look no further than the Phantoms you have Danis (32) and Heeter (24) ready to play the net... Danis is just barely ok has played 3 games sporting a 838% and Heeter has played 1...900%.




Heeter is still young by todays standards.....so play him so he can develop....he can't develop on the pine!!!!!!! That is what Danis should be doing.


So once Stolarz is ready for the A is he going to have to watched some old bum play too while he rides the bench???? I s that how the Flyers thinkg a golaie develops....would explain some thing.

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Agree completely!




It's a long wait.... 5 years?  But the wait would be worth it.  Keeping Mason and developing another young goalie as a backup would be the way to go.

Will the Flyers have the patience to do it.  I don't want to answer that.


I hear you on that one, as we all know the answer to that question.


I'm somewhat of a believer everything happens for a reason, so I'm hoping this "what is turning out to be a crappy season" will result in us coming dead last, so we would be guaranteed at least one of the two, Ekblad or Reinhart!

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 Hey long time no see.


 I could live with 2 bad seasons if we could luck out and get Ekblad and McDavid. It would give us exactly what the team needs for the next 15 years. Why management doesn't see this when the team starts bottoming out just baffles me. And they'll likely make some stupid trade for yet another veteran to make them mediocre once again. When you start the season 1-8, you're already in a world of trouble just to make the playoffs. And if you're not going anywhere, dead last (or somewhere near that) helps the team a lot more going forward than one point out of playoff contention.

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Hey, how are you doing? Your exactly right and I remember you preaching this fact at the end of last year during that meaningless winning streak. 


With the luck of the Flyers, I know it would never happen, but Ekblad and McDavid would definitely be cornerstones from which to build around. Add in the way Mason has been playing and I think we'd have a heck of a team in a few years.


Tonight against the Rangers will be a battle for last spot in the Metro (I hate that name BTW) with the loser getting a leg up on the Ekblad sweepstakes! We all know however, Homer is going to make a bad trade in the relatively near future in an attempt to save his job, which will further hurt the development of the team.

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