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Meszaros in; Gus out


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According to Meltzer, Meszaros will be paired with Kimmo tomorrow night.

Gus will be a healthy scratch.

Why??? In 5 games, Gus has 3 points, averages 18 minutes per game, has 12 shots on goal, and has looked better than Meszaros did. AND he's supposedly part of our future whereas Meszaros is not.

Another kick at the trade showcase??

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Carchidi... so take it for what it's worth tweeted that Chief was unhappy with Gus' play the last two games, so there's that too.  I hope it's more to showcase Mezaros and he plays well to make it worth while.

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Come on down, you are the next contestant on the "The Flyers Price Ain't Right"...  now onto the Showcase Showdown!


I have to think they are trying to unload Mezz but I hate the fact they are sitting Gus.   Gus has looked good so far but he is prone to some very ugly turnovers - although, just like everyone else.

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Gus has looked good so far but he is prone to some very ugly turnovers - although, just like everyone else.


you guys gotta help me out on gustafsson, 'cause i'm not seeing it.  i don't see "looked good so far".  i see "hasn't looked bad", but not "good".  he's young, the brain farts and misqueues will go away, but...he's a tiny little guy who is knocked off the puck if someone looks at him sharply.  beyond that, doesn't seem to have anything particularly special to his game.  he skates ok, passes ok, has an ok shot...to me, he looks like an ok bet to be an ok 4-5 dman on the outside.  "future all-star" has been used on this forum to describe him, though.  what am i missing?  'cause if 4-5 dman is what we're looking at...who cares?  

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"future all-star" has been used on this forum to describe him, though. what am i missing?


Nothing at all aziz... I dont see him as a future All Star and think he will never be anything more than a 4-5 as well.  He is a good skater and can jump in the play but would never put him into a future "elite" status.  I think he will be a good player but nothing special.   At this point we have not other puck moving dman other than Streit.  Everyone else is a stay at home defensman type and I would lump Kimmo into that category now too...

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true, good point

I think your 4-5 assessment is accurate. I think some people get overly excited about any young prospect who maybe will make Mez or Coburn sit. But 4-5 is honest. Like @murraycraven, I think what separates him from the rest of our team of 4-5s is his ability to move the puck and skate with it a bit. Maybe he improves (a lot of folks thought Seidenberg was a dumb dumb), but I do think the flaws you point out put his ceiling at 4-5. And that's not to knock him. He can make a nice career there.

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you guys gotta help me out on gustafsson, 'cause i'm not seeing it.  i don't see "looked good so far".  i see "hasn't looked bad", but not "good".  he's young, the brain farts and misqueues will go away, but...he's a tiny little guy who is knocked off the puck if someone looks at him sharply.  beyond that, doesn't seem to have anything particularly special to his game.  he skates ok, passes ok, has an ok shot...to me, he looks like an ok bet to be an ok 4-5 dman on the outside.  "future all-star" has been used on this forum to describe him, though.  what am i missing?  'cause if 4-5 dman is what we're looking at...who cares?  


I see him as a 2nd pairing guy if he reaches his potential. And there's nothing wrong with that... we need those guys.


To answer your question "who cares?", I do. I'd rather have the team live through Gus' brain farts as a 24 year old as he develops into a fartless 2nd pairing guy than sit him in favour of guys who are probably not in the team's long term plans (Meszaros, Gervais, Foster, Gill, etc).


In about 5 years, I could see Gus as a very solid and reliable 2nd pairing guy (he'll be 29), with Hagg or Schenn, or Morin.


If we stay the course, and continue to add blueliners, we could have a slew of options.


Hagg, Morin, Ghost, Gus, Schenn, Alt, and who's that Russian guy.. is he still with the club??


Anyway, it's always nice to have home grown options.

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Gus will be a healthy scratch.


The only reason i'm ok with this is if they are showing off Mezz but that is it, then he needs to be traded....i'd be ok with that once he is gone then insert Gus again.




Let Gus play out the kinks, this whole team has issues still and he is no worse than some of the vets here.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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I don't think there's too much to read into this. Mez, for lack of a better term is an 'asset' who, if doesn't get ice time, will rust. You know sometime, someone is going down with injuries (this is the flyers after all) and he's gonna have to fill in. So whether he's traded or we keep him, its in our interest to have him up to speed, so to speak. I really think that's all there is to it, if you listen to Chief's interview.

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To be honest Gus made some bone head mistakes in the last two games but he is young and learning. So sitting him down is fine. Mezz and gill should get playing time to stay fresh and to spell a relief for the other dmen like kimmo and so forth. It's a long season and if you can rest people with nagging injuries why not? In the playoffs it will be a needed asset to have extra dmen and dmen up to speed. It's an added luxury to have depth at the blue line.

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Suprises me to see Gus make those mistakes. He was really really good last season in flyers and also with the national team winning gold medal and best defensman. Maybe the whole situation on the team have gotten to him aswell. I mean, last year he played with confident defensmen, and when the "older guy" paired with isnt as confident now. He is young and maybe its good to take him off the team for a while. Important to get him in the mode then becouse we need his skating and puck carrying. The team is stuffed with stay at home defensmen for now and even those cant clear the puck... I hate to see the chaos in our own end when its high pressure from the other team. When our own defensmen even cant get to the puck and just stands there and watch the shots come HUH its painful. 

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What's wrong with teaching a young guy that ice time is earned, not given? Gus made a bunch of mistakes and will now sit for it. No one was complaining when Meszaros was held accountable. I get the play to develop aspect, but this is a part of it too. He will either come out better for it, or else.

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oh come on if your standard is "Pronger or Nothing" then most NHL teams have no "Real" defensemen.


I wasn't surprised by the move - for all the reasons that have been stated - need Mez to play, Gus made some bad plays. Berube is making his players earn the time on the ice and that's not a bad thing at all. But I think Gus's ceiling is higher than just some throwaway 3rd pair guy. He may get bumped off the puck easily but he also has the wheels and brains to skate / pass out of danger more often than not.

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I have no problem with Berube having Gus sit for an "accountability" message.


So long as the "accountability" messages aren't limited to young kids that are still considered "peripheral."   Both Stevens and Lavi seemed to do that on occasion with "peripheral" players while "core" players who were stinking up the joint continued to play without comment or consequence.


On the other hand, when you immediately sit a kid for making kid mistakes, it can cause the result that they end up playing tentative for fear of making a mistake that will make them sit again.   Again, I realize that this particular move has a potentially second purpose of getting Mez some playing time--maybe to shop him.   That's fine.  But as my grandpa used to say:  "Crap, or get off the pot!" (paraphrased for your reading pleasure)

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What's wrong with teaching a young guy that ice time is earned, not given? Gus made a bunch of mistakes and will now sit for it. No one was complaining when Meszaros was held accountable. I get the play to develop aspect, but this is a part of it too. He will either come out better for it, or else


100% agree Doom...

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Part of it could be they want to play Mez enough to keep him fresh but not have him out there so long that he might suffer another injury. Two or three times now they could not buy him out  or move him due to injury. The guy seems to be injury prone if you look at his record....

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According to Meltzer, Meszaros will be paired with Kimmo tomorrow night.

Gus will be a healthy scratch.

Why??? In 5 games, Gus has 3 points, averages 18 minutes per game, has 12 shots on goal, and has looked better than Meszaros did. AND he's supposedly part of our future whereas Meszaros is not.

Another kick at the trade showcase??



Calgary just lost their captain who's a defenseman for 6 to 8 weeks so maybe they'd be interested in Meszaros for a pick.

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