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Now we go on a three game run. Can we keep it up? I'm a diehard fan I will always cheer them to victory but with all the crap up to now. Don't know what to do like I said cheer or hope Hexy blows up team at deadline. A catch 22 know it's a streak but their finally playing the way we thought they play from the beginning. What to do don't want to get too high and then fall. Confused !!!!!!!

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Hextall needs to stay patient and avoid blowing this team up. They have a nice core to build around on offense and they have a good, young goalie. D is the obvious weakness on this team, but they have 4 kids developing and hopefully we will start to see them crack the line up in the next couple of years. It's tough to watch them lose games but what's the point of moving good players for bandaids for the D?

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Hextall won't blow this team up. It's the young guys that people want, the only guys he will trade are old or the glut of defenseman they have. I would only keep MDZ and L. Schenn.

Right now I rather them lose but don't care if they win or will get excited if they go on a run. If they make the playoffs then good for them because they won't get far. I will not allow myself to get excited only to be disappointed as usual, not trying to be a pessimist, just the reality of the team. This team is bipolar, they can be as good as anyone then the very next minute, be the worst team in the league. They already proved that.

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I love to see them win. But I think we all know how far this team can go. The good thing about winning is the older guys are playing better making them more desirable at the trade deadline. I hope Vinny lights it up. Someone will want him for the playoffs. He's still pretty good depth for a playoff team. I wouldn't be surprised to see a team like Tampa wanting him back for a deep run.

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Flyers teams will always compete... it's in their DNA. This will create exactly the sort of perfect storm, however, that we don't want. They'll either sniff the playoffs or, worse, make it to the first round. They will lose and the only thing having been accomplished is a less than stellar draft table position. 


Rinse, Lather and repeat.... this team is F'd in the salary cap era unless we draft extremely well.

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Most of us here believe that this team is a marginal playoff club at best.  And yes, maybe we blow a top draft but on the plus side, the forwards we've drafted (and picked up) are turning into a good cadre.  


I don't see next year as much different. There will be dumping of current roster plus newbies resulting in line mess/defensive change.  


Maybe VLC becomes more trade-worthy.  Perhaps Nick Grossmann fetches a 2nd or 3rd at deadline.  Agreed that the cap is an anchor.  


I will say that the absence of dumb penalties and our team speed are real improvements.  Give Berube credit for recognizing that he can't replicate himself in this league.  That is a real sea change for this club.


The last three games are positive.  Our Black Friday loss against the Rags may have been the nadir of the season.


Peace and holiday wishes to everyone!



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Greetings Howie,


Of course this team is another enigma. We really do never know who is showing up on any given night. The team that loses back to back games to the Rags in horrible fashion or the team that pretty much owns Toronto in their building 7-4. It's really hard to know what to think of these guys right now. When you look back over the games, just looking at the scores, they were 'IN' most of the games they lost. 


I suppose that if there's anything that we can take from this season, it's that maybe we aren't as far off from contending as we might think around here. We're a few key pieces away for sure. But we're also seeing the emergence of Jake along with G remaining consistently near the top of the talent pool.  


I'm not sold on Berube at all. I've been pretty clearly against him on here. I still think there's more that could be had out of these guys. I don't think they're pursuing the puck enough and I just don't think he's got the guys attacking and pressing enough. On most nights.. it's just too easy for the other team to score. 


But, then again.. the last 3 games, it's hard to find faults. They've played some pretty good hockey. As always...  we'll see. 

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This was my worst fear. Tough to embrace the horror when they win like this...



Not for myself in fact it's just what i stated early...that like last time they would suck but just not suck enough to land a top 3 pick, barely squeak into the playoffs, and then out the first round.

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with this 3 game win streak they dropped from #3 overall to #10 overall. 



Yip. Pretty tough for a team with Giroux Voracek etc to be that bad. 


Maybe we can hope for a mumps epidemic to sweep through the Flyers in the new year?   :thumbsu:

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Yip. Pretty tough for a team with Giroux Voracek etc to be that bad. 


Maybe we can hope for a mumps epidemic to sweep through the Flyers in the new year?   :thumbsu:

I have strep throat for a few days now, if you can get me near them, I don't mind sharing. They say sharing is caring. :)

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There is no blowing up this team.youndont want it anyway.

No one will take VLC (unless of course Belly and Vandy go with him because apparently he can't score without them, and can't NOT score with them).

Umberger is toxic and no one will take him either.

The defense you can blow up, but we NEED Streit and the rest are actually doing better.

Anyone else, trust me, we want to keep them.

Unless Nashville decides they'll trade Seth Jones and Shea Weber for Laufhton and Coots, we want these guys.

Now we go on a three game run. Can we keep it up? I'm a diehard fan I will always cheer them to victory but with all the crap up to now. Don't know what to do like I said cheer or hope Hexy blows up team at deadline. A catch 22 know it's a streak but their finally playing the way we thought they play from the beginning. What to do don't want to get too high and then fall. Confused !!!!!!!

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Wins are always nice, it's why you play the game. However, I still think it's smoke and mirrors. They can't skate with the Rangers and the Rangers got swept in the finals. A long rebuild for Hextall is still to come IF a Cup is the goal. If the goal is to sneak into the playoffs and put 2 or 3 home gate receipts in the Comcast bank then so be it. I personally would prefer bottoming out and drafting well.

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Wins are always nice, it's why you play the game. However, I still think it's smoke and mirrors. They can't skate with the Rangers and the Rangers got swept in the finals. A long rebuild for Hextall is still to come IF a Cup is the goal. If the goal is to sneak into the playoffs and put 2 or 3 home gate receipts in the Comcast bank then so be it. I personally would prefer bottoming out and drafting well.


3,4 5 years from now playing a round in the playoffs isn't doing us a ton of good. I mean look how much last years one and done helped this years team.


Getting a talented swift skating centre/winger/defenceman that will be ready to play by then would be a bigger step toward winning anything.

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