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Seravalli's at it again


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I can tell just by the titles now which articles are Seravalli's.


The Flyers just beat the best team in the East; several players broke out of slumps; Voracek added to his NHL lead; Zepp won his 2nd career NHL game; Streit had 3 points and is 4th in the NHL among defensemen. Pick a game story and run with it.


Instead, he goes with this:


"Flyers lack confidence in Emery"




Always finding the negative angle.


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What is the matter with these guys? I mean Philly isn't having a great year, but if you're going to find something to complain about in a 7-3 victory over not only a top team, but one that has given us fits for years..at least use the draft angle.

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The Flyers just beat the best team in the East; several players broke out of slumps; Voracek added to his NHL lead; Zepp won his 2nd career NHL game; Streit had 3 points and is 4th in the NHL among defensemen. Pick a game story and run with it.

Here's the game story: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/Flyers_break_losing_streak_to_Lightning_in_dominant_fashion_7-3.html

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Ahh, I read that one too. Didn't realize it was Seravalli's since the tone was so neutral. ;)


I still find it difficult to read his 'other' pieces because he's been so focused on the negative angle.

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I can tell just by the titles now which articles are Seravalli's.


The Flyers just beat the best team in the East; several players broke out of slumps; Voracek added to his NHL lead; Zepp won his 2nd career NHL game; Streit had 3 points and is 4th in the NHL among defensemen. Pick a game story and run with it.


Instead, he goes with this:


"Flyers lack confidence in Emery"




Always finding the negative angle.



1. I'm surprised they lack confidence in anyone after their comments following the Boston game.


2. Seravalli is the product of modern society. We live in an era where all we want is attention. It does not matter what kind of attention that is, so people usually resort to something obnoxious, because it gets them noticed. It started out with mostly teens and 20 somethings, but it's been adapted as the way to cover news by douches of all ages now.


Ever hear of Pewdiepie? He the most watched person on YouTube. He gets paid to review video games and (literally) scream while he plays them. Jenna Marbles is another YouTube celeb. She's famous for...well I'm not exactly sure why she is famous. I think is supposed to be a comedian. This is what we do now. 

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Ahh, I read that one too. Didn't realize it was Seravalli's since the tone was so neutral. ;)


I still find it difficult to read his 'other' pieces because he's been so focused on the negative angle.


I'm not sure that "rah rah sis boom bah" is really the appropriate angle for reporters covering the game.


It was a solid win, but that's really gilding the turd a little bit, eh?


The Flyers went into the season with Emery as the backup. They didn't have to. They chose to. Then when the starter goes down, they tap Zepp to be in the crease? I think there's certainly a story there. Maybe not to the extent that Seravalli takes it - it probably doesn't need it's own "story" as much as a sidebar to the game story - but it is a story.

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Jenna Marbles started on barstoolsports before the regional split (just Boston). She was moderately clever and attractive once upon a time.


What the hell is barstoolsports? I'm admittedly not up on everything the kids read these days.


She's got a good body, the girl obviously likes to workout, but I can't make heads or tails of her face. She wears too much make up for starters. Whenever a girl does that, as bad as it looks, whenever you see her without it, she looks awful. It looks faded or like someone took an eraser to their face. Sometimes she looks ok, others she looks washed out. Personality wise, I don't find her to be the least bit funny and I can't even figure out the purpose of her YouTube channel.

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I'm not sure that "rah rah sis boom bah" is really the appropriate angle for reporters covering the game.


It was a solid win, but that's really gilding the turd a little bit, eh?


The Flyers went into the season with Emery as the backup. They didn't have to. They chose to. Then when the starter goes down, they tap Zepp to be in the crease? I think there's certainly a story there. Maybe not to the extent that Seravalli takes it - it probably doesn't need it's own "story" as much as a sidebar to the game story - but it is a story.



I guess where it is really annoying is that Seravalli automatically takes the negative angle without even considering the more sensible reasons why Zepp would start. I mean.. it's right in his article 6 games in the next 9 days. There are actually logical reasons why... he probably doesn't want to bring the guy up and immediately stick him on the bench. Like he said, he had just won his last game... he's been playing. It makes sense. 


Or let me put it another way... it makes more sense than Berube has lost confidence in Emery. I mean.. essentially, this is a crap angle and a crap story. He might as well just claim that Berube is racist and that's why he started Zepp, it makes about as much 'sense.' 


Philly beat writers are the worst in the league... I've said it before and I'll say it again. 

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I grant you that the stuff he writes tends to be negative but I understand the negativity in light of the franchise's performance.  That said there is the question of "why?"  What is the deeper structure?  

On paper, my backyard Panthers are worse than the Flyers.  But they are having a renaissance. They've drafted some good people and watched them grow and brought in an elite goalie with a backup we should have pursued.  I could go on.


The Flyers' history since the '05 strike is probably a thesis in some sports management degree.  We have had a Stanley Cup run and the worst season in history, and may come close again this year. Ray Emery is part of a bigger picture.  Candidly, I am not sure this team has adjusted to the Cap or new rules.  It is a little like my backyard Dolphins--a team that still clings to the "Perfect Season" and Super Bowls around the time the Flyers won the Cups.  Management matters.  And to some extent Seravalli is right in that this management hasn't been too hot and may not hold itself accountable.  Keeping Clarke and Holmgren onboard says a lot.




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I guess where it is really annoying is that Seravalli automatically takes the negative angle without even considering the more sensible reasons why Zepp would start. I mean.. it's right in his article 6 games in the next 9 days. There are actually logical reasons why... he probably doesn't want to bring the guy up and immediately stick him on the bench. Like he said, he had just won his last game... he's been playing. It makes sense. 


Or let me put it another way... it makes more sense than Berube has lost confidence in Emery. I mean.. essentially, this is a crap angle and a crap story. He might as well just claim that Berube is racist and that's why he started Zepp, it makes about as much 'sense.' 


Philly beat writers are the worst in the league... I've said it before and I'll say it again. 


Not at all disagreeing with the assessment of the Philly media. I got banned from philly.com for banging that drum.


I do think that starting your 33 year old in his second start over your "experienced, veteran" backup is a story. The angle Seravalli took is the issue.


I'm wondering if he's still pissed about that "announcing goalies on Instagram" business :D

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I do think that starting your 33 year old in his second start over your "experienced, veteran" backup is a story. The angle Seravalli took is the issue.

Or maybe, just maybe, Emery is not 100 % and they knew that Zepp was a better option against Tampa because he has pretty solid and quick lateral movement. With 6 games coming over the next 9 days, there is going to be plenty of chances for both goalies to get playing time or even let Zepp take the bit in his teeth and run with it if he earns it. With Emery's chronic hip problems, there is no way he should see more than half of those games and never a back to back. This certainly could be considered a test run for Zepp to be the b/u going forward especially if you are looking to move Emery to a contender at the trade deadline. I rarely read the philly.com stories anymore mainly due to irritating story lines like Berube hates Emery because he is black crap (total paraphrasing here, but i think you get the gist of what I am saying). Maybe Frank is gearing up to be a writer for Vince MacMahon........

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Or maybe, just maybe, Emery is not 100 % and they knew that Zepp was a better option against Tampa because he has pretty solid and quick lateral movement. With 6 games coming over the next 9 days, there is going to be plenty of chances for both goalies to get playing time or even let Zepp take the bit in his teeth and run with it if he earns it. With Emery's chronic hip problems, there is no way he should see more than half of those games and never a back to back. This certainly could be considered a test run for Zepp to be the b/u going forward especially if you are looking to move Emery to a contender at the trade deadline. I rarely read the philly.com stories anymore mainly due to irritating story lines like Berube hates Emery because he is black crap (total paraphrasing here, but i think you get the gist of what I am saying). Maybe Frank is gearing up to be a writer for Vince MacMahon........


Again, that's got to do with the angle Seravalli took. If he had couched it in terms of "6 games in 9 days" it would have gone over here better than "Berube doesn't like Emery."


Frank's obviously coupling this with his "why did they play Mason so much?" screed, which is fine as far as it goes. He's clearly drawing a comparison that they overplayed Mason and then chose Zepp for the same reasons.


I think there are many more factors in play here. What will be interesting is to see where it goes from here.


(I also clearly remember the team claiming they "couldn't" trade Nittymaki "because of his hip" while playing him nonstop in goal including back-to-backs... ah, memories)

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(I also clearly remember the team claiming they "couldn't" trade Nittymaki "because of his hip" while playing him nonstop in goal including back-to-backs... ah, memories)

They made sure that Niitty was going to be useless and have no career left with what the did to him. They did the same thing to Dave Babych who in turn sued them for destroying his career. Eric Lindros left here as a shell of his former self. If there is one thing the Flyers organization is good at, it is ending players careers.............

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Bottom line for me is that it's just not interesting 'journalism.' He sounds like a jilted ex-girlfriend at times - and he gets *paid* for it!


Along the same lines as you Brelic, my issue with the Philly sports media seems to be centered around their ego. They seem to inject their ego into their columns more than most. Frank seems to have a bone to pick with the Flyer's decision making. He's taking jabs at the decision making rather than analyze the facts for what they are. Is that his job!? I think it's fairly obvious that, even with his access, he's not privy to the entire story of what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe the facts that are available can bring up curious innuendo themselves, but Frank's definitely pushing an agenda here. 


Is it to create controversy to get 'clicks'!? Could very well be, but I feel that would be manipulating the readership and fan-base. Is it harmful!? I think it can be argued either way just as reality tv is.


I simply don't like it. I don't like the negative angle shooting and it doesn't make me wanna read those rags... quite the contrary. Vote with your clicks boys.... stop feeding the trolls. 

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Along the same lines as you Brelic, my issue with the Philly sports media seems to be centered around their ego. They seem to inject their ego into their columns more than most. Frank seems to have a bone to pick with the Flyer's decision making. He's taking jabs at the decision making rather than analyze the facts for what they are. Is that his job!? I think it's fairly obvious that, even with his access, he's not privy to the entire story of what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe the facts that are available can bring up curious innuendo themselves, but Frank's definitely pushing an agenda here. 


Is it to create controversy to get 'clicks'!? Could very well be, but I feel that would be manipulating the readership and fan-base. Is it harmful!? I think it can be argued either way just as reality tv is.


I simply don't like it. I don't like the negative angle shooting and it doesn't make me wanna read those rags... quite the contrary. Vote with your clicks boys.... stop feeding the trolls. 


Yes, agree with your post.


In fairness, I believe that most writers do not get to set their headlines in cases like these. It's up to the editors. Still, his narrative is often negative and *appears* to have a lot of accusations that aren't backed up with fact. 


And that's ok for folks like us - fans. But that's never ok for professional journalists.

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Along the same lines as you Brelic, my issue with the Philly sports media seems to be centered around their ego. They seem to inject their ego into their columns more than most. Frank seems to have a bone to pick with the Flyer's decision making. He's taking jabs at the decision making rather than analyze the facts for what they are. Is that his job!? I think it's fairly obvious that, even with his access, he's not privy to the entire story of what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe the facts that are available can bring up curious innuendo themselves, but Frank's definitely pushing an agenda here. 


Is it to create controversy to get 'clicks'!? Could very well be, but I feel that would be manipulating the readership and fan-base. Is it harmful!? I think it can be argued either way just as reality tv is.


I simply don't like it. I don't like the negative angle shooting and it doesn't make me wanna read those rags... quite the contrary. Vote with your clicks boys.... stop feeding the trolls. 



I think a healthy (keyword here) ego is necessary for all journalists. But few are able to prevent it from getting in the way of what they used to call reportage. I think it's even more difficult these days when print journalism is basically dying, at least the old model. 


When the ego is unchecked the story becomes about them, their angle, their axe to grind. And it becomes all about the "gotchya" moment when they've "uncovered" some supposed nefarious act, that really only exists in their mind. Facts be damned. And it's all torque, torque, torque.


I wouldn't mind it so much if they weren't also all (generalizing here of course) a bunch of sanctimonious a-holes. Hypocrites of the biggest order. As Joe Strummer said, "All journalists are scum." Joe was onto something. And of course he only spoke the truth.

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I think a healthy (keyword here) ego is necessary for all journalists. But few are able to prevent it from getting in the way of what they used to call reportage. I think it's even more difficult these days when print journalism is basically dying, at least the old model. 


When the ego is unchecked the story becomes about them, their angle, their axe to grind. And it becomes all about the "gotchya" moment when they've "uncovered" some supposed nefarious act, that really only exists in their mind. Facts be damned. And it's all torque, torque, torque.


I wouldn't mind it so much if they weren't also all (generalizing here of course) a bunch of sanctimonious a-holes. Hypocrites of the biggest order. As Joe Strummer said, "All journalists are scum." Joe was onto something. And of course he only spoke the truth.



RIP Joe Strummer. I think Frank would be wise not to assign malice where it's most likely stupidity. Or... as Spinal Tap said it better... it's a fine line between clever and.... stupid. 

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What the hell is barstoolsports? I'm admittedly not up on everything the kids read these days.

She's got a good body, the girl obviously likes to workout, but I can't make heads or tails of her face. She wears too much make up for starters. Whenever a girl does that, as bad as it looks, whenever you see her without it, she looks awful. It looks faded or like someone took an eraser to their face. Sometimes she looks ok, others she looks washed out. Personality wise, I don't find her to be the least bit funny and I can't even figure out the purpose of her YouTube channel.

I don't have a huge problem with the makeup but completely understand what you're saying. But my god she has a long face. I tried googling to find it but there's a movie alien that looks very similar (I think it had a bluish face but am not certain). I have absolutely no idea who she was and had to Google her, but no thank you. I'm sure she's lovely though.

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