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Emery probably to start vs. Rangers


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I am mad/irate/pi$$ed as hell if this happens.  I'm sorry but Mason is out future.  I am hoping Emery comes up big but I am not holding my breath.  I don't care if "this play happens all the time" in hockey (referring to the play Mason got injured vs Pens).  Again, the Flyers are forced to start the playoffs with an injury concern.  If this would happened to MAF (and say Zac or Downie were involved), Pens fans all over would me screaming bloody murder.  I am hoping an praying it is more precautionary then anything else and Mason can start game 2.     

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I am mad/irate/pi$$ed as hell if this happens.  I'm sorry but Mason is out future.  I am hoping Emery comes up big but I am not holding my breath.  I don't care if "this play happens all the time" in hockey (referring to the play Mason got injured vs Pens).  Again, the Flyers are forced to start the playoffs with an injury concern.  If this would happened to MAF (and say Zac or Downie were involved), Pens fans all over would me screaming bloody murder.  I am hoping an praying it is more precautionary then anything else and Mason can start game 2.     



It's to early in the morning to be this sick!!!!!!!!!

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Well, the Pens fans would disagree doc and that horse has been beat to death ;)  


I will say that if Mason is out more than one game the Flyers are toast - burnt toast.  This is going to be a quick series.  i realize Razor is playoff tested but I think age is catching up with him.  We might catch lightning in a bottle for a game, possibly two, with Emery in net but the fact is Mason needs in the lineup to have a fighting chance.


Seriously, I am more pissed that no one stood up to Megna after that play.  Clean, dirty... call it what you will but if a Player does that someone should stand up for Mase. 


i hope Fluery gets a "Mengna" tonight

Edited by murraycraven
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don't sweat it. If Emery goes he'll be just as good as Mason would've been. In a way it's almost better that Emery opens the series.


These guys give up exactly the same kind of "bad" goals. They're due to lack-of-focus not lack-of-movement. I really wouldn't worry.

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don't sweat it. If Emery goes he'll be just as good as Mason would've been. In a way it's almost better that Emery opens the series.


These guys give up exactly the same kind of "bad" goals. They're due to lack-of-focus not lack-of-movement. I really wouldn't worry.



puff puff give...

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I am mad/irate/pi$$ed as hell if this happens.  I'm sorry but Mason is out future.  I am hoping Emery comes up big but I am not holding my breath.  I don't care if "this play happens all the time" in hockey (referring to the play Mason got injured vs Pens).  Again, the Flyers are forced to start the playoffs with an injury concern.  If this would happened to MAF (and say Zac or Downie were involved), Pens fans all over would me screaming bloody murder.  I am hoping an praying it is more precautionary then anything else and Mason can start game 2.     


Based on MAF's post season history we'd all be screaming - but certainly not bloody murder. ;)

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Well, the Pens fans would disagree doc and that horse has been beat to death ;) 


Yeah I know...and that was not my intent to "open the can of worms" back up.  I am simply voicing my frustration and venting.

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Well, the Pens fans would disagree doc and that horse has been beat to death ;)  


I will say that if Mason is out more than one game the Flyers are toast - burnt toast.  This is going to be a quick series.  i realize Razor is playoff tested but I think age is catching up with him.  We might catch lightning in a bottle for a game, possibly two, with Emery in net but the fact is Mason needs in the lineup to have a fighting chance.


Seriously, I am more pissed that no one stood up to Megna after that play.  Clean, dirty... call it what you will but if a Player does that someone should stand up for Mase. 


i hope Fluery gets a "Mengna" tonight



there's a time and place to get smegma and you can bet that the flyers will get him back. but, it's highly doubtful it will be this year. that game in pitt was too important to go running around for payback. 

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Doc - as soon as I saw Mason fall backwards I knew the jinx had got us again. I knew it, knew there'd be UBI reports, he'd miss PO time, etc.


But then he stayed in the game...so I thought okay maybe we dodged it. But now here we are...reports saying he's probable, but now it's probably Emery...WTF?


I feel your pain brother! Seriously how can we go the entire year without much injury trouble...and then in G81 lose our starting goalie?


that damn statue is still fkng with us!


[edit: wow Mason not even traveling with the Flyers up to NYC. Of course it's only a short ride so G2 is still a possibility. But it's not looking good...could be more serious than anyone imagined. Concussion, whiplash...who knows. Ah this sucks.]

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Yeah, gotta try and find the positives. Emery has a good record vs Rags. That means he will have confidence and therefore the team in front of will.


Plus the Rags will potentially be overconfident. If Ray can steal one game, and Mason is ready when series shifts to Philly, voila!

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Well, if there's a bright side it's that the first two games are in NY where the Flyers would have a tough time winning one game anyway.  But if they do steal a game there and Mason comes back  they could be in good shape.


And with a Thursday - Sunday schedule, G3 isn't until next Tuesday so that gives Mason nearly an extra week to get back at it.   It's not all bad.   If Mason is even the slightest bit questionable for G2, I would hold him out until G3 and then ride him as far as he can go.


I'm more concerned about the team in front of Emery getting steam rolled in the first period of game 1 and not recovering.  So, in my mind G1 is meaningless.  If the Flyers can steal it then that's great but it's how they respond in G2 to a loss in G1 that means a lot more (IMHO).


The Garden isn't an easy place to play, especially in the playoffs.  Steal G2, get Mason back in G3 and it's a series the Flyers can steal.

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The bad news is, IMHO, today's actions confirm he has a concussion, or has failed a baseline in the last 24--48 hours.  If he truly had whiplash, he would be in the building for treatment, massages, etc. There are protocols to deal with that type of injury; there aren't any/many for concussions other than rest.


Keeping him away from the building, and off the roads means one thing:  concussion/bed rest.


That's the truly scary thing....he could be out the entire series.  Not likely, but possible.  

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I don't think we should assume he's concussed based on the "he's not receiving treatment" angle. With whiplash there's no treatment either - rest is the only thing....and try not to sneeze (cuz it hurts like a mofo!)

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I don't think we should assume he's concussed based on the "he's not receiving treatment" angle. With whiplash there's no treatment either - rest is the only thing....and try not to sneeze (cuz it hurts like a mofo!)


You have your opinion, I have mine.... ;)

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You know, the fact that Berube started Emery in a good number of games down the stretch - and against excellent teams - was a stroke of genius in hindsight. 


EDIT: And in the news this morning, I see that Berube said Mason did not travel with the team to NY. Would that mean he's almost certainly out for Game 2?

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