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Flyers interested in making a blockbuster deal with Jets says EK


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getting rid of Coburn is addition by subtraction but in any deal the Flyers make they need (broken record from me) an offensive minded defenseman with some wheels that can stop teams from trapping us in our own zone for  half of the game.  Their breakout skating and passing out of their zone needs to be addressed, very badly. Neither one of the players mentioned seem to fill that need.

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getting rid of Coburn is addition by subtraction but in any deal the Flyers make they need (broken record from me) an offensive minded defenseman with some wheels that can stop teams from trapping us in our own zone for  half of the game.  Their breakout skating and passing out of their zone needs to be addressed, very badly. Neither one of the players mentioned seem to fill that need.

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they need (broken record from me) an offensive minded defenseman with some wheels that can stop teams from trapping us in our own zone for half of the game.


been there done that - see Mark Streit. He wasn't my idea and I don't think his services were essential when we already have Gustafson. But Streit has given us his normal game and he's exactly what you say "they need."


I hope the Flyers don't make any trades now or anytime soon, certainly not during this week-long break in games. At this point any trade would simply be "rearranging chairs on the Titanic." What's the point?


No, the Flyers need practice and conditioning more than anything else; they don't need "new blood." The standing around, the penalties, the lack of puck support in all 3 zones...this team is nowhere near game shape. The losses take their toll and it's already become a nasty cycle - confidence drains away with every turnover, every bad miss...which leads to more ugly misses and more turnovers. But the only way out is to drill the hell out of them in practice.

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They do watch the puck an awful lot in their own zone...

I hope Chief can find a way to break them of that.

He gave them today off I hope he really drills them I the next couple of practice days...

I think giving them some time away from Vorhees might be the first step inexercising the bad ju-ju.

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They do watch the puck an awful lot in their own zone...


it's really incredible how bad they're playing - in all 3 zones too, it's not like "the problem" is just the lack of goals. After 8 games if your entire stable of forwards is goal-less and point-less, or nearly so, you know the problem is deeper than just being snakebitten.


I say "all 3 zones" but I do recognize they've tightened things up defensively, somewhat anyway. It sure helps having a goaltender who can smother the puck or catch it to slow things down and give the skaters a breather, time to refocus. Unfortunately the Big Mistakes are killing Team D. The muffed clears are the worst; guys getting 2, 3, 4 (!) opportunities to clear the puck and can't do it. Sometimes okay you can blame a bad bounce but with the Flyers it's happening 10, 12 times a game.. And then there's the brain cramps...from everybody not just Coburn. Giroux has made some really inexplicable moves on D this season...standing btw the dots watching the puck-carrier behind Mason and covering no one in the process...seems he does that a lot, like he's not sure where he should be (if that's possible).


It's pretty bad right now but like you said maybe some time away - I think they have both days off this wknd - and then some hard practices can help start turning things around.

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Mario.... I played my entire life at the AAA level... coached from B to AAA hockey. Gimme a break man. I think most people get annoyed bc every post is literally a simple statement and nothing more.

At least everyone actually discusses topics and most of the time it is in depth so I would say you actually come across as a hockey simpleton - for a lack of better terms.

For example... Simply posting something like "Flyers should have picked Mantha" is a simple statement. Nothing to back up why and nothing to make your case... If you are such a hockey wizz than I invite you to post more points instead of one line thoughts.

"my cats breath smells like cat food... "

" Jake has red hair and cant s ore goals his fault"

Edited by murraycraven
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Like you guys know hockey, probably never played and wished you did, everyone posts quick one line threads

who wants to read your long drawn out dribble on hockey and who has the time to read 500 word stories about nothing important

Actually ..to prove a point....some of the more detailed posts are very informational.  I have been following hockey and the Flyers for nearly 25 yrs now.  I am by no means a totally expert on every single thing in regards to the sport of hockey.


I for one enjoy very much some of the more detailed posts, especially when discussing topics such as salary cap and the CBA.  Do I have time to read every single thread, no, but I make a point to stay active in a couple of posts that are interesting and have great discussion.....


which begs me to ask one very important question......


why are you so dammed interested in Flyers threads when you profess to be a Habs fan?  are you a closet Flyers fan in disguise?

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Getting back to the original topic...I don't want to see ANY trades by this team until Homer has moved on to greener pastures.  I simply do not trust the man.  If Homer is on a short leash ...fine..then let this team play with the players it has.  Once Homer is gone, then let the new GM (aka Hexy) make his own mark on this team.  It would make NO sense for Homer to make a move now only to be fired in a month or so.  (granted I don't have a crystal ball and it is pure speculation if  Homer will be fired at all)


I'm just saying...now ..IMO is not a time to be making significant trades.  The season is still young and teams are still finding out about themselves.  Most don't know what they may or may not need in a few months from now.

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I would take fatty any day. As a Wing fan I saw first hand his intensity with the right club in the right situation. my personal opinion is his talent is wasted in Winnipeg and his disinterested play is the result of being coddled as a conquering hero coming in with the NHL return to Manitoba. Give him a coach and an organization who would light a fire and I believe there is plenty of good quality hockey left.

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