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If we go into next season with the current lineup, do we make playoffs


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@RonJeremy  It all depends on who it is, but the Flyers might just be in the odd position that a injury to a top 6 d-man might make them stronger. If Grossmann were to suffer an injury, maybe Alt or Oliver bring more speed to the table, while not sacrificing any defense.

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Sure. Why not.


There IS lots of talent on this Flyers team.

And you have the single most important position in solid hands as well: goaltender.


Now, getting that talent to work as a cohesive unit is and always will be, the challenge for any team. If Philly can finally figure out who plays best where with whom, Mason stays healthy, and the defense borders on decent, I can see this team making the playoffs coming out of a Metro division that I believe will be a bit more open than it was last year.


Pens look to still be the team to beat, but based on moves made during the off season by all teams in the division, they probably will not be the runaway division winner they were last season, leaving the door open for the top spot and/or the first three guaranteed spots to other teams, including the Flyers.


I will also agree that even if the Flyers do make the playoffs, getting far WILL be a challenge. Because in order to do that, the defense must be a well oiled machine....hmm, which is an ironic phrase, seeing as how the Edmonton OILERS aren't particularly solid on defense, but I digress..... :rolleyes:


Bottom line though: Yea, I think this team can make the playoffs.

The team returns, in many ways, unchanged from last season, and if they made the playoffs even with a dominant regular season Pens team in the division, see no reason why they can't do the same in the divisions with possibly a LESS dominant Pens team, a Rangers team that lost many pieces and needs to regroup and re-prove itself, Devils, Caps, Isles that all need to prove they belong in post season play, all in there with them.


Believe it or not, the one team the Flyers may have to watch closely as a division competitor for a spot would be the Columbus Blue Jackets. They are proving to be very tough to play against from a defensive standpoint and look to be moving in a positive, defense first type direction, that could cause problems for teams in the division if they aren't prepared for them. The team overall gained some valuable playoff experience against the Pens last year too, so expect some more mature younger players to go along with their vets.


Flyers haven't added very many pieces, but then again, lost no players of any great consequence...except, arguably, Scott Hartnell, but i am sure one can find as many Flyers fans for as against him no longer being on the team....and he was replaced with a better defensive option in RJ Umberger.

Then again, the off season still has a bit to go yet, and more changes will need to be made, if only to get back under the cap.


The elephant in the room may be dealt with yet (and we all know who that is), or not, but the team is over the cap number and will need to further mold the roster to get that down.


As of now, if I am a Flyer fan, with the team as is, I am expecting a playoff berth (guaranteed or wildcard), but probably not too optimistic on a long playoff run.

And yes, it DOES matter. Playoff experience is invaluable, especially to younger players, or players still looking to get over whatever 'hump' has held them back to this point.

Again, look at the Blue Jackets.

Not to mention that at least making the playoffs maintains the type of 'winning culture' that is so very important in team locker rooms. With greater expectations comes greater effort, and greater desire to improve. You don't ever want to lose that.


Mason though....man, we've all seen it in the past with many other teams.

Good goaltending can take you a  long, long way.

At times, even further than a team has any business going....

Edited by TropicalFruitGirl26
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Now, getting that talent to work as a cohesive unit is and always will be, the challenge for any team


I agree completely and why i also think they will because besides losing Hartnell and and RJ they are returning almost the same roster that took a Stanley Cup team to 7 games without their goaltenders for most of it.


So with very little roster turnover i believe there will be even more cohesion for the kids in this lineup getting older and smarter plus Giroux starting off the season healthy will be huge too.


And Berube has already said/warned them their conditioning must be tip top before getting to camp not so so hoping to work themselves into shape he wants them to be in tip top shape off the muscle and i believe he will hold them accountable....and those that aren't will feel his wrath.


So i expect them to exceed last years record. So yes they will make the playoffs barring some crazy injury that we can't predict.

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Not sure, but pretty sure they won't get too far if they do. Not all that worried about it if they don't. Jettison the dead weight. Let the kids mature. Take your lumps this year and even next to build something cohesive and on the upswing. I know all you have to do is get in, but I'm not going to be too upset if Hextall sticks to his word and doesn't trade youth and picks in an attempt to make sure this is a playoff team.

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I'm a bit worried since so many other teams improved and added players in the offseason ,and we havent. Washington,Pittsburgh, Columbus, Nashville to name a few..I think it will be even harder for us this year .I guess it will come down to the defense. Our offense is as strong as most top teams, but if our defense falters or our PP doesn't click we could be in trouble. Our 5 on 5 play isn't great a good PP has helped us overcome that. We need one more Injury free season form Streit, Timmo, and Coburn. One a good note , L Schenn actually had a good playoff, maybe he will step up.

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I'm a bit worried since so many other teams improved and added players in the offseason ,and we havent. Washington,Pittsburgh, Columbus, Nashville to name a few..I think it will be even harder for us this year .I guess it will come down to the defense. Our offense is as strong as most top teams, but if our defense falters or our PP doesn't click we could be in trouble. Our 5 on 5 play isn't great a good PP has helped us overcome that. We need one more Injury free season form Streit, Timmo, and Coburn. One a good note , L Schenn actually had a good playoff, maybe he will step up.

Well, Hartnell is addition by subtraction. Fewer penalties will help the team get into a regular rhythm. That alone might (will) improve 5 on 5 play.

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I'll say yes, but we're talking finishing 7/8 and fighting it out through the last games of the season. This is only an average team, as it was last year, witness the #13 overall finish.

Hexy will be looking to improve the long range outlook at the trade deadline either way, it'll just be a matter of how deep he'll be willing cut bait with veterans based on what the standings look like.

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I'm a bit worried since so many other teams improved and added players in the offseason ,and we havent


Yes but just adding players doesn't promise anything they still have to develop chemistry and learn a new system. Look no further than the Eagles "Dream Team" how'd that work out????


They're are just somethings you can't buy.


And just collecting great new talent doesn't guarantee anything. And lets not forget 3 of the four teams you mentioned added new players and more importantly new coaches so that is a lot of change on many moving parts.


And in the Flyers case like i noted more than anything basically swapped out one forward so same coach same system and same players...it to me just has the higher probability of improvement.


The other there are just to many question marks to know. But time will tell. I will say i think the Flyers will make the playoffs. How far well that i'm not sure.

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This is only an average team, as it was last year, witness the #13 overall finish.


Yes and lets not forget or underestimate when your top line LW while playing with the best two forwards on the team only managed 1 goal in the last 29 games of the regular season while playing 5 on 5 and continued that into the playoffs scoring as many goals and me and you combined.


Not many teams can go far when their top line players can't find the score sheet.....much less even stay upright.


Like Dook said it's addition by subtraction with Hartnell.....no matter how much a fan favorite or great team guy he was he must perform.....period. And well he didn't.


Only 3 guys finished ahead of him on the team with more ice time than him at forward and two of those was his linemates.


I'm happy Berube addressed the elephant in the room. 

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It isn't a stretch to imagine the Flyes making the POs again. As for every team a few key guys have to stay healthy - namely Mason and Giroux, to a lesser extent Voracek and - dare I dream? - Vincent Lecavalier.


I'm okay with Grossmann being the one slow, stay-at-home D-man. Grossmann takes a lot of heat but I think there's still a place for his type. He's a big body and can sweep the crease pretty well. He doesn't get rattled and plays a pretty smart, safe game. With the right partner he's a serviceable D-man.


After that it's down to Mason, Giroux and the younger guys. Giroux is an experienced captain now. If he and Mason stay healthy and continue to improve we're in for a good year. Giroux centering Voracek and ? - if that ? clicks - could put up big numbers this season - 30+ / 60+ - why not?


Everyone's looking for BSchenn to have a breakout year; it's kinda now or never for him. Early on Berube has to find a spot for him and keep him there, give the kid a chance to find his groove, develop some chemistry. His brother needs to play a consistently smarter game too. In general LSch needs to handle the puck less and become better at what he is, a stay-at-home D-man with some offensive capability. He's been playing like he has it reversed. He seems to believe he's a fast, puck-moving type who's job is to join the rush. That has to change or we're in for a lot of TOs and wasted breakouts.


Right now the Flyers are good enough to finish in the top 8. How far they go depends on the usual luck-of-the-draw (matchups) and the injury picture.

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 If anything is going to improve playoff chances,Chief would have to convince Cooter,B Schenn,Read,Voracek,etc. that hockey is a physical game and not air ball! Giroux got slapped around the entire Ranger's series,nobody responded,nobody. Fighting isn't required,just a little self-respect,little swagger,in your face hockey is missing here. Its time for the young guys to step up and play a man's game.

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Well... I always expect flyers to go to playoffs so why not this year. I think we will make it but barelly. Its the D that worries me the most. And I hope Umberger came for a trade... but nothing is happen on that front so im a little bit worried about that. Hartnell might not be a sharpshooter any more but he is a class act and great for the locker room. What is Umberger these days? 

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This is a tough one. I agree with Ron Jeremy that our competition in the division is improved. I see a playoff team but marginal.  Our young forwards might surprise on the upside. But D may be a drag and we have to see if Mason didn't have a one-year turnaround.  My expectations are low. When some of the young D come on board the upward progression should be significant. 





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Well... I always expect flyers to go to playoffs so why not this year. I think we will make it but barelly. Its the D that worries me the most. And I hope Umberger came for a trade... but nothing is happen on that front so im a little bit worried about that. Hartnell might not be a sharpshooter any more but he is a class act and great for the locker room. What is Umberger these days? 


The Umberger trade seems to be nothing more than trying to get rid of the last couple of years of Hartnells salary. I guess you could argue Umberger is faster (he's slow, Hartnells slower) and takes less penalties (and draws less).

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Not many teams can go far when their top line players can't find the score sheet.....much less even stay upright.


 Classic!  It just never gets old making fun of a pro that can't stay on his feet. Isn't that **** supposed to be like second nature to millionaire players?  Even Brad Marsh didn't fall all over the place like a moron....lmao.

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In general LSch needs to handle the puck less and become better at what he is, a stay-at-home D-man with some offensive capability. He's been playing like he has it reversed. He seems to believe he's a fast, puck-moving type who's job is to join the rush. That has to change or we're in for a lot of TOs and wasted breakouts.


 I agree to a certain extent cans. You heard it a lot on here, but Luke did improve his overall game when paired with the MacDaddy. I want his game to grow and evolve, but only if he has a total grip on his responsibilities and positioning assignments. I'd love to see him getting more confident, and yeah...rushing with the puck....as long as he knows his surroundings and has his head up. This is a part of Luke's game I'd like to see some more of. He's got the skill set to contrilbute more on offense, he just has to stay within his capabilities and not think he's Bobby Orr. This will come with more confidence and more time with his steady partner. If Luke knows the MacDaddy is there to cover him, he should be taking a few more chances.

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  Playoffs?  To put things in proper perspective, we took the Eastern Conference champs to game 7, while missing our top goalie for 3 of the 7 games. We are right in the thick of this thing. I think other teams have leapfrogged us with off season moves, but there are so many variables, it's just way to early to predict properly. Of course, the X factor is injuries, and we are due for a year where the injury bug does not destroy us before we even start!

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Well, outside looking in:




1. Pittsburgh

2.  Boston



3. Montreal

4. Tampa

5. Rangers



6. Philadelphia

7. Detroit

 8. Columbus

9. Washington

10. Toronto

11. Carolina

12. New Jersey








  So 7 clubs fighting for 3 spots. Of the 7, the most likely outside looking in are: Detroit, aging and falling. Carolina and Toronto are flawed.


That leaves, realistically unless something really strange happens:




New Jersey


So realistically, 4 teams competing for three spots barring injury. IMHO the Flyers are likely the best of the bunch, but it is really tight. I know New Jersey does not get much thought but they had a nice offseason and warrant consideration.


  The bigger question, is making the playoffs enough? Are they set up to make a deep run? You Flyer fans would know the answer to that better than I. The East is the weaker of the two conferences, I think getting in, anything is possible, 8 of the top ten teams in the game are in the Western conference which favors lower end contenders in the East to a tremendous degree. Personally, I think the Flyers in a 7 game series could defeat Boston, the Rangers or Pittsburgh, all of whom took substantial losses this year. So yeah, 80 percent chance of a playoff spot or higher, and then anything can happen.

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I am going to say they are slightly oustside the playoff bubble this year.  


The defense is the same wretched group and Kimmo is a a year older.  The question is who stands in to take all of his minutes on a nightly basis?   I still think this defense is flat-out terrible most nights and the achilles heel of this Team.   


Additionally, I really dont see any improvment on the offensive side of the puck.   Hartnell is gone and anyone that thinks the Flyers are better this upcoming year with RJ are absolutely fooling themselves.   I like the deal in terms of getting out of a terrible contract earlier but do nto think RJ is a better player.   Outside of that move has there really been anything that will help this Team?  No.  Downie is gone (thankfully) and there might be some competition for a spot or two amongst the young kids.  Although, as with any young player they will not be expected to be huge contributors.  In sum every move was addition by subtraction...  


With all that said I am fine with the direction of this Team.  For once there seems to be a plan around BUILDING a team from the draft.

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