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Media time is not 'confidential agreement' or 'keeping the room' time. Homer will say anything to the media to get rid of them.

Jeff Carter has a copy of his No Trade Clause which he would have been happy to discuss with you, but he's got to put together his photo album from his Day With The Cup and doesn't have time.

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Let's ENJOY the fact that this ASSHOLE is gone...whatever comes next in goal cannot possibly be any worse... and don't worry Homer is not going to p/u Luongo no way in hell.

Oh god I'm happy so happy these Douchebag Idiot is OUTTA HERE!

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Jeff Carter has a copy of his No Trade Clause which he would have been happy to discuss with you, but he's got to put together his photo album from his Day With The Cup and doesn't have time.

Which didn't kick in. It's a business and Carter got paid very well, guaranteed. It can happen anywhere, but Philly is one of the places with the money to do it.

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Media time is not 'confidential agreement' or 'keeping the room' time. Homer will say anything to the media to get rid of them.

Not just to get rid of them, but to use them to his advantage. Leaking trade rumours, terms of deals, interest in other players, etc, is all part of a strategy to put pressure on whatever situation he's got cooking. The media is a powerful tool for GMs who know how to (ab)use them.

How about the Read or Couturier trade rumours over the past several months? Don't you think those make the players a bit nervous, and might push them into signing earlier, or at a better price, etc? Read can't control where he's traded, and might not like it, so that gives Homer the leverage and the right 'mood' to come in and say "Look, Matt, we really really like you. We want you to be part of this team. Right now, there's a bit of a cap squeeze... we think you bring so much to this team." If he signs, he controls his destiny.

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Which didn't kick in. It's a business and Carter got paid very well, guaranteed. It can happen anywhere, but Philly is one of the places with the money to do it.

If you don't think that that situation is in the minds of every guy who is across the table from Homer, you haven't negotiated a big deal.

Carter has been very vocal about the fact that Homer - in private, in confidence - gave him the assurance that, business or not, he would not be traded.

Jeff Carter plays for LA now.

That's not a deal played out in the media. That's a deal Homer overtly lied about.

He had every right to do it.

And any agent or player has every right to question every single thing he says - in private, in confidence - going forward.

Lord knows, anyone who takes what they say to the media seriously is as stupid as the people they are talking to.

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Breath in all that gorgeous gorgeous smidgen of free cap room!

Homer doesn't announce this unless he's got something cooking. Can't wait to see what. Luongo at full contract? Reimer for Giroux? Jake and Coots for Brodeur?

It's sure to be a deal to remember!

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there is nothing that will happen from this point forward that will surprise me, trade for weber, offersheet to peitrangelo, a **** pile of player exchanging sweaters twixt the Flyers and Ducks or nothing. Everything is on the table at crazy Eddie's trade emporium.

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I am glad they exercised the option for the reasons most voiced on their posts.

Here are my thoughts:

1) The Bryz signing was totally Ed's decision. I think he desperately wants another Cup before passing on and wanted the Bryz deal done

2) The buyout in conjuction with Briere makes me think there is a major deal in the works that could happen on or around draft day.

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Flyers fans to Bryzaster..."just...."

There's a lot to talk about in that video: the crudeness of the production,with the girl's head popping up to announce the song, the beatnik drummer, the sea horses on the bassist arms, and the amazing talent of Joe Walsh. How many people, all time, could play guitar like that while belting it out into a microphone like that?

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Homer said Mason was good enough to be one of two goaltenders and had a bright future. Doesn't sound like he's likely to sign a true #1 (To the extent that we have any idea what the Flyers will do). I like Emery.

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I like Emery.

Yup, that's where the smart money is. Homer kicked the tires on Bernier and lost out, so he'll go with plan B: Mason starter with veteran backup. Emery fits the bill. Others, like Mike Smith, will cost too much.

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Yup, that's where the smart money is. Homer kicked the tires on Bernier and lost out, so he'll go with plan B: Mason starter with veteran backup. Emery fits the bill. Others, like Mike Smith, will cost too much.

Maybe he actually thinks that Stolarz is the franchise goalie of the future for the Flyers?

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Here's the reason I feel bad for Bryz (but am still very glad he's gone):

It's the bear thing. If he'd said, "The only thing I fear is cancer" because his best friend just died of cancer, the press would have teared up and he'd have a charity event at some bar in Jersey every summer.

But a damn bear killed his friend and instead everyone mocked him. That's not cool.

Just suggests to me how much of his "insanity" quirk more than crazy and I tend to feel like he had a few decent points when he shredded the Philly press.

This is the same press than ran Richie out of town for... I dunno exactly, getting laid? I still can't figure that one out. I've yet to read a single mea Culpa from the reporters who trashed him since his success in LA.

Anyway, I guess the Anaheim and Phoenix papers just don't ask goalies questions... Otherwise the world would have known (and us too) how quirky/kooky he was.

I do feel bad for him about the bear thing. That wasn't fair.

He's on his own with the Stahlin **** though.

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Here's the reason I feel bad for Bryz (but am still very glad he's gone):

It's the bear thing. If he'd said, "The only thing I fear is cancer" because his best friend just died of cancer, the press would have teared up and he'd have a charity event at some bar in Jersey every summer.

But a damn bear killed his friend and instead everyone mocked him. That's not cool.

Just suggests to me how much of his "insanity" quirk more than crazy and I tend to feel like he had a few decent points when he shredded the Philly press.

This is the same press than ran Richie out of town for... I dunno exactly, getting laid? I still can't figure that one out. I've yet to read a single mea Culpa from the reporters who trashed him since his success in LA.

The overt glee evident in the "reporting" on this story by the Philly press is indicative of the very problem Bryzgalov pointed out - this is a group that covers sports like an over-sugared teenager reading Tiger Beat.

Bryzgalov's play in goal was sub-par.

His comments on the Philly media were spot on.

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Yeah this is tempting fate and abject hyperbole. Bryz didn't suck all the time and let's face it, if he cost 3.5 million he'd probably still be here.

I disagree. It's the length more than the amount. 2 more years of Bryz at $5.5M is tolerable. Not great, but tolerable. 7 more years of Bryz at $3.5M is not tolerable.

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@radoran, on Jun 26, 2013 - 06:11 AM, said:

this is a group that covers sports like an over-sugared teenager reading Tiger Beat. - Totally agree.

Those punk ass *******, need to get bitch slapped, for how they handle themselves in front of the camera or on the mike. Where's John Mcenroe when you need him...Im not a violent person, but I'd put some violence on those ass clowns for what they do. It was nice when Prongs would put some of those pencil stick reporters on point.


They just did him wrong. I don't mind him being taken out, but just don't act like a bitch when you do it.

And for what it is worth, Bryz was speaking in general about poverty and the fact that people get lazy and get accustomed to living on welfare, he wasn't referring to the working class that got lay'd off(lost in translation).

I know a bunch of fools who like living the Kmart lifestyle and don't want to quit it, but get wit it and I know a lot of hard working people who went to school, got there degree and dont got dick to show for it. Alot of these people don't have anymore the asperations to be better or improve there lot in life, it is what it is.

The media spun it around and made Bryz look like he was talking about Philly personally. I use to study some Russian back in the day and I know how words can get twisted up to mean something else.(Same thing with the Stalin media "blurp"...controlled chaos is better than Chaotic chaos in a society. Ask any longterm victim of abuse...at least you know)I'm not advocating it.

I travel often back and forth coast to coast East and West, and fell into the L.A. riots unknowingly long time ago. When your leaving a friends and all of a sudden you have people pulling guns on you out of no where, the **** gets real.

I can't imagine living like that every day and Bryz meant that Stalin although evil put some control over the chaotic evil that was happening day in day out.

THAT! is what in essense I believe in Russian he was communicating to the Russian media, and piss poor ***** reporters started salivating and got there panties all wet to put an ignorant spin on there tabloid. I call bullshit and give a shout out to a bitch slap.

I don't blame our team for buying out Bryz and Danny, that's what happens when you play in the big leagues. They GOT PAID!

I would of liked to see the tandem of Mason and Bryz as a final indication of giving him his last shot....it just doesn't make business sense in this economy with the cap limit. So it was a SOUND business descision and I back that up 100%.

I also think that Holmgrem announced the buyout to show he was serious to wheel his deal to other GM's and know he's serious about negotiations.

Overall the mood is good and pleasant today in these forums, that's great to read.

Some are a little sad, just a little.

What I'm looking forward to is that nice feeling when I see Mason wristing out a breakout pass to his defender or forward as they breakout on a 5 on 5 (hopefully Streit and Gus doing the same). Not the static noise feeling of seeing our team last year doing a rendition of Laurel and Hardy's breakout routine.

Edited by LegionOfDoom
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As others have said, nobody would care what came out of Bryzgalovs mouth if he played goal half as well as he was paid to. I never saw him as more than an OK goalie, and when Homer gave him that contract I thought he was insane. Then Bryz seemed more intent on being "that crazy Russian with the goofy quotes" than an NHL goalie. Glad he's gone. Even without a replacement.

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