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Jagr *may* be back with the Flyers

Guest Mad Dog

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Obligatory disclaimer: it is Eklund.

But according to the link below (towards the very end of the piece), G is reportedly a big advocate for bringing Jagr back. I just can't see where he would play.... I mean.... I DON'T SEE IT AT ALL. The 4th line? But why?


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I posted a week or so ago saying that I could totally see this happening. Where does he play? I have no idea and think it is silly to even entertain the thought honestly. I would think he goes right to the first line w/ G and Jake. Vinny centers the second line...

Likewise MD, I just dont see where else he would play...

I have friends on my hockey team that I like playing w/ but it usually b/c they bring good beer!

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I would think he goes right to the first line w/ G and Jake.

Didn't Jagr say the first time around that he need to play right side (either with JVR or Hartnell)? It doesn't make sense to force Voracek over to the left when he's had so much success on the off wing. But I'm likewise confused, I don't see where he fits in. Between Voracek, Simmonds, Read, there doesn't seem to be enough top RW spots to go around. Someone obviously has to get traded in order to fit him under the cap, but I'm not sure I want any part of Jagr for an 82 game season--or rather, Jagr only makes sense for part of an 82 game season.

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I would entertain bringing Jagr back for one year on the cheap, but I do think he's proven in each of the last two seasons that he is out of gas by playoff time.

I would not put him on the Giroux line. I agree that Voracek should not be moved and Jagr doesn't play so well (as well?) on the left side.

What would he look like on the Vinny line with Schenn on the left? Put Simmonds up with Giroux and bump Hartnell to the fourth line where he belongs?

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It doesn't make sense to force Voracek over to the left when he's had so much success on the off wing.

Jagr and Voracek have played together on the same line for the Czech Republic. I believe Voracek played on the left. They were really good together and had alot of chemistry. Throw Giroux in the middle and you have a deadly line....although, there is this thing called the cap. Have no idea how we'd fit him in.

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bump Hartnell to the fourth line where he belongs?


What would he look like on the Vinny line with Schenn on the left?

Na. Vinny needs speed. Schenn and Simmonds is a good fit for him.

Jagr was great at helping the kids learn what it takes to becoming successful at this level. I appreciated watching just that.

However, with a decent off-season by Homer by keeping the core intact, let's just pass on this option unless Jagr wants forth line duty and 2nd PP unit for 1.5m

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Na. Vinny needs speed. Schenn and Simmonds is a good fit for him.

Yeah, I was actually thinking the speed thing when I typed my post. Completely agree. Plus, I really like the idea of Schenn/Vinny/Simmonds.

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Jagr and Voracek have played together on the same line for the Czech Republic. I believe Voracek played on the left. They were really good together and had alot of chemistry. Throw Giroux in the middle and you have a deadly line....although, there is this thing called the cap. Have no idea how we'd fit him in.

They did play on the same line but I am not going to say that Jake-G-Jagr would be a deadly line. Only b/c Jagr will (and has for the past two years) run out of gas. It would make no sense to bring him here unless he is playing top 6 minutes as he is below average defensively. I just dont see how he will fit on this team unless you roll the dice and think he can last a full season w/out tiring - which he wont.

I rather one of the young kids come in and get time w/ the big club.

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Sign him, have him "pull his groin" in game 1, and only reactivate him with 20 games to go... :ph34r:

At this point, nah. Though I won't scream if they do bring him in for 1 year.

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I don't know. Coburn read and a pick for pietrangelo or bogosian, sign Jagr to replace read. That's a mighty good hockey team.

Not enough for Pietrangelo. Couts and a 1st round pick to get them to the table to start the discussion.

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No. No. No. And........No.

I hated when they signed him the first time, became a total convert with how he played here, and what he did as a Flyer, but really...42 yrs old? He doesn't fit the lines very well at this point, doesn't really fit into the cap, and well, he's 42.

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no goals and 10 assists in 22 PO games for the Bruins who didn't re-sign him. But supposedly 3 teams are "very interested" according to Svoboda his agent. I just hope we're not 1 of them.

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